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Title: Fitting In
Character: Wolverine
Fandom: X-men II (movie)
Summary: Pack instincts are hard to control.
Requested by:
maeritrae Disclaimer: I don't own anything beyond my own diseased and annoying plot-tribbles.
Wolvervine had never considered himself anything but a lone wolf. Admittedly, that isn't saying much. He's not sure how old he is. Time doesn't mean much and hasn't since the time under Stryker's thumb. All he could remember was a blur collage of pain, probes and peering scientists. He still doesn't remember how he got in there - just the mind-games.
He never thought he'd trust again. As cliche as it sounded, he had made a practice of avoiding anything but the most curtsory contact with other people. Brawling at truck-stops got him enough money for food, petrol and second-hand clothes. It wasn't much but he could disappear without anyone knowing where he'd turn up next at a moment's notice. The fact that that made him more vunerable was ignored.
Which brings him to here and now. The television flickers with the dying credits of some film as Wolverine yawns and blinks sleepily. He is sprawled on a comfortable couch under a warm breathing blanket of other mutants. Bobby and Rogue are pinning his legs in a mutal and comfortable sprawl. Kurt/Nightcrawler is asleep against Storm who has her head buried against his left shoulder while Scott 'Cyke' Summers has his arms wrapped protectively around himself and head pillowed uncomfortably on Logan's right shoulder.
He's never going to admit this happened when he wakes up. Wolverine thinks even as he looks around for whatever woke him. He growls softly at the squeak and feels somewhat embarassed when he sees Xavier's smile. He can't warm to the man completely but he has learnt tolerance.
Still, the evening had been hanging on a hair the whole time. Scott was still in pieces about Jean and Storm and Nightcrawler had sugguested that he not be allowed to brood. They had brought their plan to Wolverine and waited with disturbingly trusting expressions until he agreed to haul Cyke by his collar if nessecary. He resettles himself, keeping tabs on Xavier as the prof glanced at the empty pizza boxes and bottles.
He likes the guy fine but his pack, his responsiblity.
With apologies to