Just cause i wanted to post something even if i don't know what...i noticed some interesting tests on the posts of Cinnamonstarr and Zusness XD
1. Name: Benedetta
2. Birthday: 19.11.88
3. Where do you live: S.Daniele, Italy
4: What are you studying/What are you working as: i'm studying at the university...science and multimedial technology
5. What
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Comments 29
uhm. sono decisa se dirtelo e trascinarti in un vortice senza fondo e senza possibilità di fuga o lasciarti in una sana, non distorta ignoranza. you choose XD
(se tu avessi un fic journal mi ci butterei immediatamente! ^o^)
Beh, non ci vedo nulla di male!...o si?O.O'''''''''
E poi....'same here' era per dire che non so cosa voglia dire icon/fic journal ^^'
Nel senso, le parole le capisco, ma il senso?
cmq la mia OTP è ovviamente ryouchi (liadoroliadoroliadoro!!!), seguita a pochi passi da ryokura. la mia OT3 è ryokurauchi, ma anche ryopin non mi dispiace. XDDD
icon journal o fic journal vuol dire che hai un altro journal, separato da quello personale, dove posti le tue icone o le tue fanfic. molti tengono separate le due cose, principalmente perchè sono molte le persone che magari ti addano solo perchè interessano loro le tue icone e quindi tu non hai voglia che leggano pure i fatti tuoi... è lo stesso principio magari di avere un journal firends only e di tenere pubblici solo i post con le icone o le fic, eccetera.
(^^' pure la sottoscritta ha un fic journal ^^')e dimenticavo... ti piace norwegian ( ... )
Sono una grande apprezzatrice della Subaru-Maruyama, della Ryohkura, e anche della RyoPi...insomma, di tutte quelle coppie che ce la mettono tutta per farci pensare che 'magari loro sono...!' XDD
Ora capiscooo..qual'è il tuo fic journal?O.O
Voglio sapere!
Oh cielo è un miracolo!In una giornata trovo tre apprezzatrici di Murakami! Non avrò più così grandi fortune, temo...l'ultimo uscito mi è arrivato da poco quindi non l'ho ancora finito...ma promette bene!!I miei preferiti...se devo dirlo, la raccolta 'Tutti i figli di dio danzano' mi è piaciuta tantissimo. 'L'uccello che girava le viti del mondo' mi ha fatto soffrire di crisi mentali XD ma mi è piaciuto parecchio. E poi anche 'Kafka sulla spiaggia'....
Another Haruki Murakami fan *shakes hand with you*
btw OTP means one true pairing xDD (for example my userpic eheheh)
Oh my, it was about time to find someone else interested in him!Did you read the last one, 'After dark'?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahnow i understand....well, the answer is the same, i think.I will never be able to decide myself.Maybe a Ryohkura...........maybe.
We have a lot of likes in common i think...XD
You didnt find any until now? I talked quite a lot about him on LJ but maybe that's before we became friends xDD yeah ive read after dark, and it's really interesting, though i didnt understand some of it, like what happened with the sister actually? lol
Loooove Ryohkura too!!! Maybe because i want ohkura to stay away from Yasu XDDD
LOL I think so too!
Yeah, i didn't found anyone.My father is a librarian, but all he does is to bring me the book saying 'read it, cause i need to know what to say to the people about it'. On his side, he don't read them, so....
Don't tell me anything!!I've just started to read it...i don't want to know anything.At the end of it i will come to you with my thoughts XD
..i can feel a certain preference for the little not-anymore-blonde yasu?
7. I'm glad you like my layout♥♥ And I don't think your journal is plain =3 Not as far as I got to read it till now (^ O ^)
And you also like Haruki Murakami! I didn't read the book you mentioned but may of his other's♥ I adore his writing style so much <3
Thank you so much about the things you said about me (; __ ;)♥ That's so super cute <3<3 I'm going to give my best to stay 'fresh' (^ O ^) *hugs*♥♥
Fairytales are awesome, I also like them a lot♥ Whoever says they are just for children, lies. A lot♥ =3
Your layout, as i said, is beautifuul.Love it.
And i don't know about my LJ...as i said, i'm not good in this kind of things, so...but if you tell me that' it's not so plain, well, i'm a bit relieved ^^
OH MY!Three fans of Murakami in a row...today is my lucky day for sure...the similar things between us are growing, ne?
What's your favourite book from him?
Well, it's what i think ^^
Happy that you understand what i mean with 'fresh'...i'm not good when it comes to define someone XD
Fairytales rulez. Enchanted, dreamy and absolutely free...
and they're first prove of the horror topic in literature.
Sometimes they're even better than the adult books.
Thank you so much<3<3 ( ... )
I hope to get used at it soon as possible...sometimes i even forgot that i have a journal XD
Aaah...let's see....i need a bit of efforts to recollect some of this title with the italian ones..damn translators.But i liked a lot too the...'After the quake' stories XD in italian was a completely different title, even the meaning was different!
I liked also....ehm....'The wind -up bird chronicle'....'Norwegian wood'....'Sputnik sweetheart' i guess.
Fairytales are creepy...and cheerfull at the same time. This kinda scare me...that's why i love them XD
...non avevo dubbi che lei fosse un EVIL genius, sa? UAU"
E lei cosa è venuta?XDDDDDDD
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