Arashi Marks 2008 Dream-A-Live in Fukuoka Yahoo! Dome (18th June)

Jun 19, 2008 07:33

To tell you the truth, I nearly fainted before the concert started because I felt like being there was so unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Trailers were shown on the screen: HYD Final, Yatter Man, Maou (got me Kya~ing to black-haired Ohno), Sho-kun's Olympic reports, Kakkushin Torride, and 24hr TV (where they showed a clip of Aiba and his letter and Junkun crying).

I really, really,  REALLY loved the fact that the concert was very punctual! It stated on the ticke it will begin at 6pm, and lo and beold!!!!!!!! Exactly at 6, fireworks popped out and everyone was jumpig out of their seats and screaming like crazzzeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!  My heart was beating so hard and fast, I thought it would explode!!!!!!!!

I'll try to remember everything as there were so much to see in the 3 hours of the concert! But I'll give it my best shot! (>_<)v

- the stage had a small castle at one end with what seem like a merry go round without the horses (???) Mmm... a gazebo perhaps?

- there was a small stage in the back too (I was sitting at the back and a bit far up)

- At EXACTLY 6 o'clock, fireworks exploded at the stage and if I remember correctly, it was Aiba first, Matsumoto Jun second, Nino third, Sho fourth and Riida was last.... And yes, I screamed so loud, my voice broke. (-_-)

- The first song they performed was "Move Your Body"  Dance moves were full of smex!!! Was seriously turned on!

- And then it was "Happiness"!!! I was singing along with all my heart! XD The whole stage lit up and the screens in the background became colourful! Sugoooiiiiiii!!!

- Now I'm not sure about the next song, but I think it was "Step and Go" (loved seeing them as tiny specks dancing to this song)

Oh God. I suddenly realized that I should have jotted down all this on a piece of paper as soon as I arrived home last night because I can barely remember everything. Gomene minna san! m(_ _)m

Oh well, Let me just put down the highlights of the concert, ne?

- Ohno's dancing to "Take Me Faraway". It turned me on so much I was sweating like crazy. XD So full of smexxxx!!!!!!! Kyaaaaa~~~~~~~!!!!! Made me look at Ohno in a whole new way! So smooth with graceful body movements and smexy hand gestures... *dies of nosebleed* Ohno kun!!!!!!!!! Take meeeeeeeeeee farawaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!

- Sho's performance to "Hip Pop Boogie". He had this cardigan/jacket/sweater tied around his waist, which started to fall off at the beginning of his dance! XDDD We, in the back, were all pointing to the big screen laughing, but he was so cute when he pulled it down to his feet to take it off and continue dancing. Thank God he didn't trip over or something and break another bone in his body. And it seemed like he was well enough to do all the dance moves. The best part? When the screen showed a prepared vid of the other Arashi members Hip Pop Boogie-ing  with him! Definitely a Kya moment!

Note to Sho-kun: We cannot afford to have you not dancing. Please prevent any injuries from occuring.

- I thought the female dancers would not bother me like the Japanese fans, but actually, they did!!! (0_0) During "Koe" they all danced by coupling up. Yep, definitely heard the fans go silent. (with envy? with anger? with disappointment???) And their facial expressions changed along with it! I guess they felt that it didn't matter that THEY can't get close to their Idols, only if the REST of the female sex doesn't get that opportunity too!!!!! Damn.

- "Shirius" was oh-so-good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swayed with my penlight in the air......................

- The masquerade was awesome. Matsujun in his feathery costume lead the others on the mobile horse statue.. (Aaaaaaa..... Oujisama!!!!!! Aishiteruuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!) I vaguely remember the other mobiles. Shokun was on a heart wich had heartshaped balloons floating in it (totemo sugooooooiiiii)... I think Ohno was on what looked like an ice cream soda??? Nino was on a present mobile and Aibachan..... OMG. I forgot. (T^T) They sang "Love So Sweet" with the mobiles moving around the dome. MatsuJun's skin is amazingly smooth. And with that I-want-to-run-my-fingers-and-grab-your-head-Momo hair...... *dies happily and resurrects herself to finish this post*

- "Carnival Song" came next. So appropriate with what they were wearinggg!!!!! XD

- Aibachan's "Hello Goodbye" was awesooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeee! It's my favourite Aiba solo song ebaaarrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!! He was wearing shorts and I could see how hairy his legs were from my seatt! XDDD The dance moves were totemo kawaiii and easy to follow!!! He actually blew the harmonica for this song (the part with the harmonica sounds in the song of course)!!! Ahhh.. kakkoiiiii!!! Got us all watching him with awe!!! Aiba chan, aishiteruuuuuuuu!!!

- During MC, we celebrated Nino's birthdayyyyy!!! And sang Happy Birthday twice! AIba chan got him a gift which was handed in a red bag. Nino was hesitant at opening the bag, and the others persuaded him to open it! The present? LOL! A top hat, a big red bowtie and a thick Mister Potato moustache! XD Then Nino performed a magic card trick with Ohno. (When he talks, the moustache was moving up and down, you could barely see his lips because of how thick it was XD) Totemo sugoii! And when Nino wanted to present his speech to the fans, he took off the moustace, but the double-sided tape used to stick it on were still on his upper lip! XDDDDDD I was laughing like mad!!!!! The others were saying how good the tape looked on him! ROTFL!

- OHMIYA SK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! They pinched each other's nipples!!! XD And at one point, Ohno walked up to Nino very closely (Nino was gong "Nani?  Nani?" XD) And said "Tanjoubi Omodetou Nino!" and grabbed his head and kissed him!!!! XDDDDDD Three times!!!!!! THREE!!! I was Kyaa~ing so loudly at that point! *nosebleeds and faints*


- Hanging by the ceiling performance was awesomeeeeee!!! (so many 'awesome' today, ne?) It reminded me of the Yokohama Fight Song during the Time concert! They sang "Sakura Sake" (my favourite song!!! Was literally jumping up and down like an idiot singing along!) and also "Fight Song"!!!! They sang this on the mini stage at the back where I was sitting! Kyaa~~! I was screaming for Aiba as he was the closest and it did seem as if he heard me........ XD

- JUNTOSHI ALERTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jun hugged Ohno and kissed him on the cheek! It was during _______ (I seriously can't recall the song, was too distracted with all the smex going on with Juntoshi XD)

- Nino's "Gimmick Game" was so HAWTTTT!!!!! His dance moves were OMG so smexxxxyyyy!!! His facial exprssion during the last line of the chorus, "Kimi no kubisuj, hora, tsuba wo tsuketa" was like "come on over and do naughty stuff with me" Kyaa~~~! Being 25 makes you horny, eh, Nino?

- How about Junkun, you ask???? His performance literally caused the dome to overflow with nosebleeds with his performance for "Naked"! But the *cough* female dancers *cough* touching him was slightly annoying. Wanted to find a slingshot to finish them all off. The best part? His performance was at the back! It is FATE I tell you!!!!! Our DESTINYYYYY!!! XDD

The dance moves were of couse, slow and smexxyy with the female dancers sort of worshipping him (WTH, I would have worshipped him too. Hell, I'd kiss the ground he walks on to get him naked XD) At the last two minutes of his song, he ripped of his jacket and shirt (0_0) AND I SCREAMED LIKE MADDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *stuffs nose with tissues to stop the overflowing blood* I mean, the glistening shine of his sweat on his torso, and the slight sight of his black underwear...... XDDDDD

I get to tell the world I saw Jun (half) NAKEDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!! *dies happily*

- *resurrects herself* They also promoted awareness of the pollution by promoting the Eco Bag (which of course I bought because I love Arashi the environment) Showed an animation of the caterpillar walking around a world full of garbage and eating leaves and so on.... Sang "Green" after that! (^-^)v

- there were two encores!!! Yayyyyy!!! I was hoping they would sing "Do My Best"! (my favourite song out of the album! XD) And "One Love"!!! MatsuJun seemed to be really into the song! Ahaks, missing Mao? They also sang "Pikanchi Double"!!! Another favourite of mine! "Wish" came along soon after! YAAAYYYY!!!

- The female dancers were not appreciated by the Japanese fans, as there were no thunderous applause for them when Jun and Sho introduced them. This was even more obvious when the fans applauded like crazy for the male dancers (M.A.D.) introduction instead.

- I'm pretty sure the last song was "Your Song". A good song to end it all! Felt like crying! MatsuJun kissing the camera which we all could see on the big screen definitely made my day. We were all Kyaa~~ing at Momo kissing us! And in the end, Nino was the last to leave the stage. Before he left, he took a moment to look at us and said, "AISHITERU" which made us all Kyaa~~ing all over again and teary-eyed.

Please note that there are many more, but these are the only stuff that I could recall at the moment! Do not fret though, I'm going again tonight! XDDDD Purezento from my Japanese friend! And it's a closer seat too!! Yahooooo!!!

Sayonara Minna san!!!

Rabu Rabu Arashi!

concert, dream a live

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