Minna-san! It is a very sad, sad news for Arashians that the boys won't be releasing their annual planner/calendar starting this year since they're past their re(mark)able 10-year point. So I was wondering if any of you are selling custom-made Arashi planners. I really need one because I've been using their planner since 2007 and now I can't seem
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CALLING THE ATTENTION OF ALL PHILIPPINES-BASED ARASHI FANS!!! We are inviting YOU (yes YOU who's reading this) and Arashi/JE fans to come to our "JOIN THE STORM" Event. Forget Ondoy and Pepeng! "JOIN THE STORM" is a collaboration event of Arashi's 10th Anniversary and Ohno's 29th Birthday Bash.
NEWS Team Kawaii together with mabudachiquatro.multiply.com/ re now selling/accepting orders for the ff (please click the LINKS to be directed to the Multiply site)
AKAME (Akanishi Jin and Kamenashi Kazuya) AS ONE ...a wedding party ...birthday party
It was a wedding party at the same time birthday party celebration of Jin and Kame of KAT-TUN.
Planning for the party started early of this year, it was supposed to be just a Kame party but due to unexpected events in RL, it was postponed and eventually plans have
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