Another of my videos was deleted. And not from youtube, but from my vimeo account.
So that video is no more.
Rest in peace in my USB "Arashi Mashup - Mine"
you will be missed....
stupid statistics professor! won't let us see our grade. So i don't know my grade for that arashi survey i did! T__T
And now I have to do another survey!?!?
This is not really arashi related, that's why I post it only on my journal.
If you guys would please be so kind and help me out fill out this simple survey. (I only need 7 at best)
NOTE: This relates to one day.not an average of a week. ONE DAY ONLY. So whatever you ate YESTERDAY will do. Or the last time you ate food out. (eaten at home means meals made at home, duh. you know, right!)
Prices doesn't have to be accurate. An estimate is fine.
Poll Daily Cost on Foodsorry I have to bother you with this, but i need this for stupids stats
but to let you know, i'm working on a new arashi graphic images!
I'm such a dork! I gave it a title too
"For every Virtue, there is a Sin" :DD