Title: The Swan Prince By: arashiforyou Genre: AU/ Romance Rating: PG (an optional NC17 scene included) Pairing: Yamada Taro x Mimura Takuya (Sakumiya) Summary: In an AU setting, Yamada Taro and Mimura Takuya are in fact princes of a faraway land. Unbeknownst to them, a powerful sorcerer kidnapped Mimura and changed him into a swan. Only the power of everlasting love can break the spell. Notes: Based on The Swan Princess
Chapter 1
The Great King Hijirichi of the Mimura Kingdom sat in his church for a funeral service, grieving over the lost of his son and daughter-in-law. Death came to them when they were caught in a terrible storm on their way home. His Majesty awaited their arrival, only to never be greeted by them but a young carrier and a baby, his grandson Mimura Takuya. The poor child was only a year old when he lost his parents, but the King sought to it that his grandson was given the utmost of care. He did not easily believe his son and daughter were taken by a lightening storm, so he ordered an investigation.
It wasn't long until it was discovered the storm was conjured by a powerful sorcerer named Gantz. He planned to destroy any heirs to the throne and take the kingdom for himself with the power of aliening technology and unknown magic. His Majesty's knights demolished any dark sorcery or mechanics that gave strength to Gantz. Many demanded his death, but the King showed mercy and ordered the sorcerer to banishment.
He will never forget the sorcerer's words on that gloomy day.
"Some day, I will get my power back," Gantz shouted down the road. "And when I do, everything you own...everything you love... will be mine!"
He was never seen again.
In the dark and somber walls of the church, the King could hear his grandson crying in the arms of his maid servants. His personal butler, Isogai, was sniffling quietly beside him. The King wasn't paying attention to the priest's sermon, for he was worried of his grandchild and the future of his kingdom.
Only a few years past and Prince Takuya grew up to be a fine gentlemen. At a frail age of four, he learned to coordinate his first flower art piece. The moment he saw this early gift, the King began ordering his grandson to require more skills, and he hired the best scholars. However, with so much tutoring and discipline drilling, the Prince grew more and more distant to others. For such a young child, Prince Takuya has developed a cold manner and the King wished to change this. One day, when Prince Takuya was ten years of age, the King received a message from Queen Ayako of the Yamada Kingdom. Her eldest princess was celebrating her third birthday and she wishes for him and his heir to make greetings to their princess. The King thought it was a good time for his grandson to make royal presentation.
A carriage ride later, the King and his grandson arrived at the Yamada Castle. Unlike their own, the Yamada Kingdom ruled over the wilderness of the forest. The Mimura Kingdom governed the seas, but Prince Takuya grew a keen interest in the scenery. Many aristocrats and nobles were present for Princess Yoshiko. As a representative, Prince Takuya approached her miniature throne and presented the child with a luck charm, per instructed by his grandfather.
At that instant, the King devised a plan, and the Queen happened to be standing next to him.
"Look how charming Prince Mimura Takuya has grown," she glowed. "He would make a fine king."
"A king will be nothing without an heir," he said. "Your Majesty, may a just proposition grant your ears?"
"I grant it. What is it you wish?"
"I have seen better days and I can feel my hour growing of late," King Hijirichi began. "I am blessed for Prince Takuya to uptake my throne, however I am weary of his future. Should something happen, I hope our kingdoms will unite as one."
Queen Ayako grinned, "Then, I suggest we bring Prince Takuya and Princess Yoshiko each summer in hopes they will fall in love, and may their marriage also join our kingdoms peacefully."
"It is a marriage I will be looking forward too," the King nodded.
*Mimura- age 10*
"Prince," Isogai spoke. "The Queen of Yamada would like to speak with you."
Quietly, Mimura followed the loyal butler to the kindhearted queen. Her eldest sons was standing behind her, but he spotted one boy who stared at him with curiosity. His grandfather arrived after presenting his greetings to the birthday princess, and he joined along side with him.
"I request that Prince Takuya would stay in our castle for the remainder of the summer," Queen Ayako said. "And every summer from here henceforth."
Mimura frowned.
"A lovely idea," his grandfather chimed in. "Takuya, why don't you say hello to her sons."
"Come along, Taro,"
The first son, who was about the same age as him, stepped forward. Mimura did not like the idea of staying. He was interested in the new scenery, but it didn't meant he wanted to be here forever, and that's just how long summer felt like to him. He enjoyed the sea and especially during the winter when he can sit by the fire and read a book alone. Having to deal with others was his idea of a bad time. He felt a sharp jab behind him back.
"Takuya," his grandfather hissed.
He merely murmured his greeting. "Hello, Prince Taro. I'm very pleased to meet you."
Not really.
"Please to meet you, Prince Takuya," Taro smiled back without a problem. Immediately, Mimura was annoyed.
He will never like this Prince Taro.
*Mimura - age 13*
Yet again, another summer trip to the Yamada Kingdom. Which meant another long and tiresome summer with the Yamada royals. The younger princes and princesses were so annoying, loud, and obnoxious. He was forced to spend time with them, and they exhausted him every time. At least by the sea, Mimura could find some tranquility, but the woods were humid and he hated sweating.
"Come, Mimura!" Taro called out to him. "My brothers have found a batch of berries not too far."
Mimura panted. "I don't understand...why...are we going out all this way...for some stupid berries?"
"We can pick them and share it with everyone," Taro smiled matter-of-factly. "It's always fun sharing with your family."
"Nonsense," Mimura heaved his leg over a log, "The servants can handle that. Frankly, I shouldn't even be here. My grandfather wanted me to spend time with your sister."
"But she's only six," Taro smirked. "Yoshiko has more fun playing with her sister than us. And since you're here all summer, you might as well play with us."
"I shouldn't have to be trotting all over this damn wood finding food when-"
"Shh!" Taro hissed. "Do you hear that?"
Mimura went still. Suddenly, his fear peaked. He knew in the woods dozens of creatures could attack them: wolves, snakes, bears, or even more vicious monsters. He has read them in his stories. Dragons and goblins were very much real. Or even worse, bandits or witches. Taro suddenly dashed off deeper into the woods and Mimura tried to keep up.
"Jiro! Saburo!"
Mimura skidded to a halt and saw the second son, Prince Jiro holding his younger brother, Prince Saburo, on his lap. Saburo had his eyes closed and purple goo was stained on his lips. Taro kneel down and gently brushed his youngest brother's hair away from his forehead.
"What happened?" Taro asked.
"W-we were eating berries," Jiro sobbed. "He went off to those b-bushes and when he came back he passed out."
Mimura went to see the spoken shrub and spotted purple grape-sized berries.
"These are Dream Berries," Mimura explained. "I've read about them. They are very poisonous and puts the consumer in a dream-like state until death comes for them in their sleep." He took a handful of the bushes leaves.
Soon, Taro lost his cool and started to panic as well.
"I...I don't know what to do!" Taro gasped. "I've never seen anything like this before!"
"Stand back," Mimura ordered. "Let me see him."
"Please, be careful," Taro nodded and stood up.
Mimura kneel down and lifted Saburo's head onto his lap. With the leaves in his hand, he twisted and crushed them as fine as he could until green sap started sticking to his fingers. He brought the greenery close to Saburo's nose and waved back and forth. After long agonizing minutes, Saburo snorted and hurled. Mimura was quick enough to lean Saburo away from him as the purple berries started to reappear again.
"He's alive!" Jiro cried. "I can't believe it! He's alive!"
"Saburo?" Taro called to him quietly. "Can you hear me? How are you feeling?"
"Brother?" Saburo croaked. "I feel...like I had a long dream."
Taro's eyes were all watery as he gazed at Mimura, "How...how did you...?" He couldn't form his words, but Mimura knew.
"Dream Berries are the rarest kind to have the antidote in the same bushel," Mimura said. "Very few know this. The sap of its leaves gives off a pungent scent for the dreamer, causing them to wake up as well as make a gag reflex."
"Thank you, Mimura!" Taro wailed and wrapped his arms around him. "Thank you so much! I'll never forget this!"
Mimura had never been hugged before. Not even from his grandfather, his maidens, or even the gentle Isogai. Everyone will only praise him with kind words but have little to no touching. Hearing words was almost immune to him, but action always peeked his interests, and physical contact was foreign to him. This was a first for Mimura. He felt uncomfortable at first, but slowly he gave into the Taro's warmth.
"Thank you," the young princess grinned at him, spinning in her new yukata. "Lady Ikegami offered it to me!"
Mimura raised his eyebrow. "Really? Lady Ikegami? I never heard of her."
The princess made a cute sly smile and waved her hand for him to lean closer. "There are rumors that Lady Ikegami and my brother are seeing each other."
Mimura made a small smirk. "A princess shouldn't spend time spreading gossip."
Yoshiko pouted. "Then what is a princess to do in waiting?"
"Princess Yoshiko," a butler called to her. "Your carriage has arrived."
"Attend her daily classes is one," Mimura answered cleverly.
He bowed and kissed her hand respectively before she was carried off to her school. Another summer at Yamada's kingdom seemed less stressful now that Princess Yoshiko was busy attending extra curriculum, as custom for every royal her age. He didn't have to be constantly pressured by his grandfather or her mother to court her. Frankly, he was relieved because she was still too young. Mimura has grown used to her as a sister rather than a future wife. He just couldn't picture them together. He felt more like babysitting her than making acquaintance.
Thankfully, it met he can spend more time with his friend, Prince Taro. He realized he looked forward to each summer for him rather than seeing the princess. The winters were starting to feel lonely, and he missed spending time with Taro. His good sense of character and his kindheartedness captured his attention. Mimura never had siblings, but seeing Taro care for his younger brothers and sisters was warming to watch. Despite the Yamada family being royal and having dozens of maids and butlers at the ready, Taro always made time to cook, clean, and care for them.
One day on a lazy summer afternoon, when all the younger siblings were in school, Mimura and Taro relaxed in his private garden and talked.
"My mother suggested next week we travel to your kingdom and have some fun at the sea," Taro said, admiring his vegetables. "I'm sure my brothers and sisters would love to play by the beach."
Mimura smiled, touched by Taro's thoughts towards his siblings. "They are more then welcome. If you like, I could even arrange a royal greeting."
"Oh, that won't be necessary," Taro said, earnestly. "It's just a private thing, really."
There was strange fluttering inside his stomach, and it has been happening often whenever he's around Taro. The first time he suspected it, he thought he was going crazy, but he kept his secret to himself. And he was itching to find out how Taro handles his relationships with others besides his family. Mimura watched the gentle prince inspect one of his tomatoes until he remembered Yoshiko's words from earlier.
"I have heard rumors of you and Lady Ikegami," Mimura spoke.
"Really?" Taro asked, not sounding surprised or worried. "What about us?"
"Forgive me if I sound like a babbling old maid, but I heard you were dating."
Taro laughed, "No, of course not! Takako is a good friend of mine. She and I attend a gardening club."
"Takako?" Mimura frowned slightly. "You seem on familiar terms with a lady so soon. People will be bound to suspect."
Taro looked up. "Lady? She isn't a noble, just a friend. She would show me her gardening secrets. Sometimes she is my sparring partner."
Mimura abruptly sat up straight in his chair. "Not a noble? But your sister said she was a lady...and you spar together?! Who is she?"
"She's a farmer," Taro said, looking confused. "My sister calls every woman a lady."
"You...you befriend with commoners?" Mimura said, more shocked than appalled.
"I befriend whomever I see fit," Taro said, standing up. "Their social status does not matter to me. If I have to be king, then I must know my people."
Mimura felt a dark tug at his heart and he smirked before it disappeared. "Taro, you know once I marry your sister you won't be king...I will."
Taro frowned. For the first time, Mimura saw Taro make such a criticizing face. "I...I know. But to my point, I don't care of status. I talk to commoners so that I set an example to my siblings. I do this because I want them to be happy. And I make friends with those I trust. Don't you have someone you trust?"
But he couldn't answer. Not because he didn't have one, but because he did not want to say it. He hardly make social interaction with anyone except the Yamada royals. Occasionally, his grandfather would hold grandiose balls and ceremonies back home with other aristocrats, and Mimura was forced to make appearances, but he never found anyone to talk to, heart to heart. Not so close like Taro.
He was the only one he trusted.
"Forgive me. I have spoken ill of your...friend," Mimura said almost bitterly, and walked away.
Something was pounding in his chest. He was certain it was jealously.
*MImura - age 20*
He was alone in his room laying on his chaise lounge and reading a new book. Before, he was making his newest flower piece with trimmed stems and petals littering around the table. The art piece represented his thoughts on family, trust, and harmony. However, there was something about the piece that frustrated him, so he changed to reading. He was about to turn a page when he heard a knock on the door.
"Come in."
Isogai stepped forward and bowed. "Your Royal Highness...Prince Yamada Taro request an audience."
Mimura immediately closed his book and stood up. "Request granted. Send him in."
His grandfather's butler left the room and Taro reappeared wearing formal attire. Mimura was surprised to see him since it wasn't even summer yet. Taro looked like he came alone.
"Taro, what brings you here?" Mimura asked, smiling as he walked across the room towards him. "Just can't wait to see me?"
Taro bowed almost awkwardly and Mimura halted in his tracks. He knew his friend wasn't here on casual visit, and his brow furrowed slightly when he saw the neutral look in Taro's eyes.
"I am here to discuss the courtship of my sister," Taro spoke almost gravely.
Mimura chuckled nervously. "What is all this? Taro? Why are you acting so formal around me?"
"Mimura," Taro sighed, dropping the act immediately at his words. "You and I are both at marrying age, and I am just concern about...about Yoshiko's well-being."
He laughed. "Worry not! I promise I won't propose to her yet. For goodness sake, she's only thirteen."
"But my mother sees otherwise," Taro said, seriously. "After my father's death, our kingdom is suffering. Shortage on stock, debts still piling, and an unknown fear is growing in our woods. And you...you live in the harbor where trade comes and goes, and the sea wind pushes away any plague."
"What are you saying?" Mimura frowned.
"By...curious accident, I stumbled into my mother's quarters and found her letters from your grandfather," Taro said. "It appears she had asked for help, and he had complied if only the marriage is sealed. My mother will now do anything to quicken the ceremony. No matter what age."
Mimura gulped. He was starting to feel hot under his collar. "I...I can't do that. Not yet, I mean...you know what happens after marriage, right?"
"The tradition for royal marriage is conceiving!" Mimura said sternly.
Taro's face paled. He looked like he was about to pass out, but Mimura quickly caught him before he fell. Taro's face was slightly cold, so he helped him lay down on his bed. Taro covered his face and moaned.
"This can't be happening," Taro muffled. "I only came because I wanted to know your intentions to care for Yoshiko...but-"
"You know I would make sure she lives a happy life," Mimura interrupted. "Do you think so little of me?"
"No. Never. She is my sister, Mimura. It's only natural that I wish she is sent off to a good place."
Mimura sat beside him on the bed. His weight caused them to slowly sink deeper into the bed. "I acknowledge your concern. But I would appreciate it if you had more faith in me. How long are you still going to call me Mimura? You know I would do anything to help you, and I do it for you because..."
Taro removed his hands from his face. Mimura didn't even realized his hand was on the other side of Taro and his upper torso hovered over him. He has never been this close to him before. Mimura could feel his heart throbbing against his ribs in irregular beats. He watched as Taro observed as if he never looked at him before.
"I thought...if I started calling you Takuya...I might lose sight of caring for my family," Taro uttered. "You've become really handsome over the years. I remember when we were kids you were like a duckling, but you've-"
Mimura's lips parted, and Taro shrank ever so slightly as if he was nervous. He saw his eyes flicker down and back up. Their people waited their kingdoms to join together as one, but it was ironic that Mimura never truly had wishes for marriage. He couldn't possibly marry a girl who was nearly half his age, when the one he wanted to spend the rest of his days was right in front of him. He only wondered if Taro felt the same.
Mimura leaned down, but Taro instinctively turned his head away. It was like dealing with a frighten rabbit. Mimura realized that Taro has never shown affection towards anyone, not in the sensual expression. He thought if he could ease Taro's mind, he could get a taste of his untapped emotions. He swung his leg over so he had Taro completely underneath him. His bangs partially blocking his view, but he could still see a faint blush in Taro's cheeks. Mimura felt aroused.
"Does a kingdom need a male and a female to wed?" Mimura asked, his voice low and husky. "So long as royals are involved?"
One annoying thing about Taro was his thick dense brain towards love. He could be a genius sometimes, but when it comes to relationships, he was boneheaded. It took awhile for Taro to fit the pieces, and his eyes widen with delight.
"Two royals can unite no matter what gender," Taro nodded. "An excellent plan, Mimura! We must inform my mothe-"
Mimura stole his words before he finished. His nose pushed against the groove of Taro's nose as his lips pressed hard onto Taro's. He could sense Taro's body being stiff, but Mimura wanted to ease his tension. He slid his arms under Taro's body and held him close, weighing his body down on top and slightly rubbing his lower abdomen against Taro's body. Taro began to give in and kissed back, and it only hungered Mimura for more. Taro's arms wrapped around him and his hands reached for his hair. Their hot breaths blended between them. Mimura teased him and sucked down his bottom lip. Taro let out a throaty moan. His hand slipped out from under Taro and found the stifling collar. Mimura was getting annoyed and grunted as he fumbled around Taro's clothes with the numerous buttons and scarves.
He pulled back to properly see his work.
"Next time, wear something less complicated," Mimura grunted.
He unclasped the last of the buttons and threw the jacket across the room. Taro was still timid like a nervous kitten, so Mimura removed his top clothes as well as his own vest and shirt. He laid down again, skin touching on skin, wanting to taste Taro again. To his surprise, Taro was more responding than before. His thick hands pulled his face closer. Mimura touched with such yearning and wanting to know more. Mimura trailed his lips from Taro's mouth to his jawline. He inhaled Taro's hair, the scent of the forest, musk, and sweat. Taro breathed out a warm and low moan, driving Mimura wild and his heart fluttered wanting nothing but to hear more of that voice in his ears.
Taro was slowly becoming a different person as he held Mimura's face again and latched his lips against his again. Mimura heard more of Taro's longing and forlorn groans that was almost a whimper. He breathed in deeply, letting Taro take his upper lip. He pulled back barely an inch, gazing at him with half-closed eyelids. His adrenaline was rushing when he saw the unknown side of Taro; eyes seductive and luring.
He traced his fingers across Taro's cheek, gradually spreading his palm over his bare chest and down towards his lower abdomen and hip until they stopped just at the trousers. Taro's face was red, completely bashful. Mimura resumed back to stripping the remainder of his clothes for him, but more slowly and with delicate touches. As he tugged the garment down, Mimura smirked playfully, feeling himself grow feverish as he stared down at Taro.
His hands slid from the knees down Taro's inner thighs, gently stroking. Taro shut his eyes as if embarrassed, and Mimura couldn't help but chuckle. He wondered how experienced Taro was, not to say Mimura has bed with anyone before. Still, it was almost as if Taro never ventured to pleasure himself. So Mimura took the responsibility to be his first.
He dipped his head and lightly grazed his tongue over the slit before he explored down the length. Taro gasped, his voice high and orgasmic. As MImura consumed the tip, he could feel Taro hardening. To his joyous pleasure, Taro was growing thicker, and Mimura passed his tongue as far as he could go. Mimura clasped his lips around tightly, engulfing until he couldn't breath. He bobbled his head up and down, sucking hard as Taro moaned loudly. Taro combed though his hair as Mimura continued to consumed him deep into his throat. He felt sweat drip from his forehead, and his heart pounding loud in his chest like an overwhelming surge. He quickened his pace, inhaling sharping whenever he can. His ears were filled with Taro's subtle gasps and cries.
He wanted more.
Saliva dripped from his chin as he got on his knees, towering over Taro who was panting lightly. He quickly unfastened his own trousers and exposed himself completely. He allowed Taro to touch him. His fingers gentle grazed along his length, sending uncontrollable flutters in his stomach. They gazed each other with clear indication what was to happen. Still, Mimura felt he need Taro's permission. He wanted to keep their sense of trust between them, and not for the sake of lust. He swallowed a nervous gulp, waiting for a sign from Taro.
He nodded.
Mimura's heart pattered around inside his chest again. Feelings of love and desire aroused him as he pushed Taro's knees up. The sight of seeing Taro so vulnerable thrilled him. He placed himself just before the opening, his eyes staring lovingly at Taro, who waited. He had difficult entering since Taro was tensing too much. He circled his tip around the opening to calm Taro down. At last, he was able to merge in. Slowly, Mimura went inside. Taro tried muffling his gasp, and Mimura watched his reaction as he plunged in completely.
What a cry. He could feel everything tightening around him. Taro did not hold back. His orgasmic cries were a delight to Mimura, and he wanted to hear more. This ethereal moment drove Mimura to the edge, and he pulled back to push in again. It hurt and Mimura cried out as well. The pain was exhilarating, and Mimura gradually build speed until he found his pace. Taro met him each time, calling out his name sensually. It made Mimura want to feel closer and push in harder. He never realized how much he wanted to do this, that Mimura desired to do it as hard and as powerful as he can. He rolled his hips at a fast pace, almost furiously and aggressively. He was dominating over Taro, and he loved it. He looked down and saw Taro ejaculating out before himself. The scent was faint but alluring. Faster and stronger Mimura pumped inside. The bed squeaked every time, and the sound of their flesh hitting each other made his blood rush.
Then, Mimura halted inside, his eyes shut and he grunted as he felt himself expelling out as well. It was wet and glossy as he pulled out, shocked to find his erection standing up so tall and thick. There were still more excreting, so Mimura continued masturbating until he was sure the white cum stopped. They both breathed heavily and slightly shaky, and Mimura thought his back was going to give. He laid down beside Taro, feeling tired but relaxed as Taro wrapped his arm around his waist. Mimura rolled to his side as Taro pressed his chest against his back. The heat was soothing; to feel him so close made him feel safe and secure.
He was surprised when he felt a warm hand snake down his belly and grasp around him. Taro continued to pumped for him with his thick and broad hand. He felt soft wet lips brush up against his exposed neck. Mimura's eyes roll back into his head, indulging in sweet euphoria. Muscles contracting, breaths mingled between, the scent of pleasure, and heartbeats accelerating. Mimura let out another moan of satisfaction as he ejaculated more, later spilling on Taro's hands and his bed sheets. The hour was young, and Mimura still yearned for more.
He reached behind for Taro, guiding him towards his own entrance. Taro hooked his elbow under Mimura's knee to open more. Mimura tried his best to relax, but he was excited to finally feel Taro and he became tensed. So when the sensation of fullness came, Mimura yelped a cry of joyous pain. Taro was surprisingly delicate, unlike how Mimura was before which was full of anticipation, hunger, and power. Taro was gentle, slow-pacing, and feverish. As if their union was more for their countries, but for each other.
At least, Mimura hoped it was.
Taro wasn't as powerful as Mimura was, but he enjoyed every bit of it. Taro would plunge in and stay for long seconds. With each withdrawal, Mimura made a begging mewl until Taro complied. He never seen this side of Taro. The gentle and kindhearted prince was surprisingly sadistic, making Mimura beg and plea to go faster. It was slow and suspenseful torture, but all too exuberant. Taro knows how to make him want. He had unimaginable skills of snaring a trap to lure others in. Whether it be his charming smile, his kind nature, or even in bed, the man knows he has the power to reel them in.
At long last, Taro was losing control. Mimura was overwhelmed with the ample sensation and the constant power slamming into him. Taro burrowed his nose deep into his hair, his mouth just behind his ear so he could hear every growl and grunt. Mimura reached down and started pumping himself again; he was completely hard and thick. Taro let out a long and low moan, and Mimura echoed in his orgasm. He excreted more at the sound of his name and the pumping. He squirted all the way up to his chest, but he didn't care of the mess or smell. All he cared was the man he loved giving him the pleasure and the attention he wanted. Finally, Taro let out the last of his cries and gave one final push in. MImura could feel Taro pulsating inside him. He wanted to keep a tight hold as long as he can until he gave in. Taro moaned again and slowly pulled out.
They were completely spent. Mimura started to worry if the other butlers or maids heard them. But the doubt quickly washed away when he saw Taro lay next to him peacefully. The prince that suddenly became a beast was back to the sweet angel. Taro opened his tired eyes, smiling a weak and exhausted grin. Mimura stroke back a lock of sweaty bangs, leaning in for one last final kiss.
With this, Mimura was confident that Taro loved him.
The next day, they returned to Yamada Kingdom together. As tradition, Taro had to ride in another carriage separate from the Mimura's. His grandfather came with them even though he had no idea what it was about. Mimura was only grinning ear to ear, saying it was a secret.
The entire Yamada royal family, Mimura, and his grandfather gathered in the central throne room. Taro stood by his mother's side, who looked anxious but knew exactly what was going on. However, she pulled Princess Yoshiko close to her, so she wasn't entirely correct.
Mimura approached the Queen and got down on one knee.
"Your Majesty," Mimura spoke in a clear voice. "I come with great news. For years our kingdoms lived side by side, but never did we joined. Today, I would like to make that bond...through marriage with one of your children."
Queen Ayako looked as if she could cry joyful tears. "And may I ask whom shall you wed?"
Mimura stood up. "I choose to marry the one I love...Prince Yamada Taro."
Everyone's face, expect Taro, looked like they dropped it on the floor. His grandfather was completely stunned, and Queen Ayako looked like she would faint. Mimura gazed down at Princess Yoshiko with apologetic look, but she smiled up at him. She did not seem to mind at all. The siblings were quickest to accept them, but the elders did not seem so pleased.
"Preposterous!" His grandfather shouted. "How can you produce an heir?!"
Taro stepped out of his position and walked up next to Mimura like his equal. "We have discussed it. We believe a sooner marriage would be best for both kingdoms. We can simply adopt a noble to the bloodline to uptake the throne, but now is not the time to think of heirs! We must think of our kingdom's children. I do this for the sake of my siblings. For I worry of their future alone."
"Brother," Yoshiko grinned, clasping her hands together.
Mimura, however, felt betrayed. After everything that happened the day before, their intimate moment seemed but a passing thing to Taro. Mimura felt his heart breaking. He understood Taro's worries, but he had hoped that Taro wanted the marriage for him. He felt dirty and soiled as if he was used. His feelings were toyed around when Taro's true intentions was never for him alone.
"Mother, isn't that more important?" Taro urged.
His grandfather and Queen Ayako exchanged glances, as if they were having a royal mind-reading. Of course, Queen Ayako's charming smile seem to win, and his grandfather gave in. Taro saw this quiet agreement and opened his arms.
"Arrange the marriage!" He called.
His siblings cheered and jumped up and down. As if they were hiding, the maids, butlers, cooks, gardeners, and stable boys flooded the throne room and applauded for them. Someone threw confetti into the air and music was playing. Mimura just stood there dumbfound.
"Wait," he uttered.
And yet everyone heard it.
All the music stopped. The dancing ceased to a screeching halt. The royal siblings also stopped cheering, and even his grandfather raised a surprised eyebrow. Taro turned to him looking confused.
"Wait?" Taro frowned. "What's wrong?"
"You are marrying me," Mimura mumbled. "for what exactly?"
Taro snorted. "To help our kingdom. To make sure my siblings have a safe future. Mimura, you proposed this idea to me. And I couldn't have done it without your help. I am truly grateful. You know how much I love them."
"I know...but who else?"
"Who else?!"
"Does your love only go to your siblings?" Mimura asked, almost painstakingly.
'What of our night?' Mimura thought. 'Did it meant nothing to you but satisfy a curiosity?'
Taro looked stumped. His eyes fished around the room for someone to help him answer, until they heard his mother whisper to him.
"Tell him, Taro," she said. "Who else?"
"Uh...umm," Taro muttered until he looked at him in the eye. "Give to whom?"
Mimura's mouth gaped in shock before he turned his gaze away in disappointment. Everyone also had a similar reaction. Queen Ayako teared up, his grandfather drooped his shoulders, and Taro's brothers and sisters smacked their heads. For his first rejection, it was the worst. For years, he had been developing feelings for Taro, and somewhere deep down he hoped Taro was feeling the same. He was foolish to think Taro would think of anyone else but his precious siblings. It made Mimura loved him even more, but it also infuriated him. Just once he wanted Taro to let go and just absorb in his own feelings and be in his own thoughts instead of thinking of his brothers and sisters. It sickened him to think that Taro only bed him the night before with thoughts of them. It was like Taro was chained to them and he didn't mind.
But Mimura did and he called off the wedding, ending the marriage deal and the kingdoms uniting. He just could not deal with Taro's simple-mindedness.
"We tried, Queen Ayako," his grandfather said. "No one can say we didn't try."
Mimura sat from inside the carriage with his arms and legs crossed, just like his old attitude when he was younger. From the corner of his eye, he saw Taro also looking sour with his arms crossed.
"Say goodbye, Takuya," his grandfather said firmly.
"...Prince Taro," Mimura said softly, feeling his heart breaking again.
"Taro," he heard the Queen hissing at her son.
"Goodbye, Prince Takuya," Taro said almost annoyed.
It did not help his parting.
"He asked you 'does your love only go to your siblings,' and then you answered 'give to whom'?!" His mother screeched at him.
"It was dumb, I know," Taro sighed. "I just...ugh, I wasn't thinking."
His entire family was sitting in their parlor to keep warm. It had started to rain as if taunting Taro's mood. Jiro was sitting on an armchair reading. Taro was pacing back and forth while playing chess with Saburo. His mother was knitting while his sisters and youngest siblings sat by the fire.
"You should write a book, Brother," Jiro giggled. "How To Be A Jerk In Three-Syllables Or Less."
"I can't believe I missed this," his mother said, being overly dramatic again. "All those years planning...wasted! Never had I imagine you two to be together, and I thought it was fine until you ruined it all!"
"I'm sorry!" Taro whined. "My mind just slipped."
"Brother," Yoshiko spoke, "Exactly how do you feel about Prince Takuya?"
"Oh, you know what I feel," Taro grinned. His mind went back to the night he spent with Mimura. "He's like...you know...and then...I mean, right?"
Everyone stared at him with a dissatisfied look.
"I never meant to make it sound like I care nothing of him," Taro confessed. "He means a lot to me now. It's just...when I was trying to make others understand the reason of our marriage, I thought I explain the need for our kingdoms to unite. I didn't think...I didn't want to say-"
"Taro," his mother sighed. "A marriage is more than just unifying countries. This is a serious ordeal. Why do you think King Mimura Hijirichi and I kept trying to pressure Prince Takuya and Yoshiko to spend time together. One must compose honest feelings for each other in order for a marriage to be successful."
"Wasn't my feelings honest enough?" Taro moaned.
"You have to do better than that, Brother," Saburo said. "At this rate, you might never win Mimura's heart."
"Win his heart?" Taro mumbled to himself. "Wait a minute...that's it! I'll prove my love! Checkmate!"
Saburo stared down bewildered at Taro's sudden quick and witty move.
"I do not understand, Takuya," his grandfather uttered. "What else did you wanted him to say?"
"I need to know he loves me separately from his family," Mimura emphasized. "His love for his siblings should be a different love for me. I want to know if he feels that way. That sometimes he would just looks....at me."
"My dear boy..."
Suddenly, the carriage stopped. They weren't even halfway back to their kingdom. His grandfather leaned out the window, and Mimura did the same. In the distance, a man shrouded in black stood in their path...
"Tomorrow, I'll march right up to his gate and beg for him to listen," Taro proclaimed. "And I won't leave until he listens-"
"Your Highness!" Someone shouted.
He turned his head towards the sound. It came from the main entrance. He raced down the short hall and dashed across the grand space. The front doors were wide open, and the rain was pouring down. A butler was attending to a wounded knight who was laying on the floor. Taro kneel down and immediately recognized the coat of arms.
"It's King Hijirichi's captain!" Taro gasped.
"Prince..." the captain coughed. Blood protruded down his face into his armor. The man was pale and could barely keep his eyes open.
"Who did this to you?" Taro asked.
"We...we were attacked..." he wheezed. "The prince...Mimura..."
He felt his heart sink into a cold pit as he looked out into the rain. An instinct geared him into overdrive as he dashed into the courtyard and grabbed his best stallion. He squinted his eyes against the rain as he rode as fast as his horse could go. The way to Mimura's Kingdom was joined by a single road through the woods. The trees blocked most of the rain, but it also blocked some light. It wasn't long until he spotted a carriage toppled over, and goosebumps crawled up his arms.
He didn't wait for his horse to stop and he jumped off. Horrified, he saw knights and the carriage rider dead in the mud. The horses were also killed. He looked inside the carriage, but it was empty. He looked around desperately for any signs of life.
Any sign of Mimura.
It came from the other side of the carriage. Taro skidded across the mud, his clothes completely drenched and filthy, but none of it matters. He saw the source of the moaning.
"King Hijirichi!" Taro gasped.
He pushed off a large wheel that pinned the King down in the mud, but it was already too late. The King had suffered a lot of blood lost.
"Taro," the King gasped.
"Who attacked you?" Taro panicked. "Where is Takuya?"
"It was here..." The King said. "The great animal..."
"What? What are you saying?"
"Listen to me, Taro," the King grasped his sleeve with his last ounce of strength. "It's not what it seems. It's not what it seems!"
"What isn't?" Taro cried. "Where is Takuya?!"
The Great King Hijirichi was dead. Grieving and with a heavy heart, Taro stood up. He didn't want to believe him. He searched every inch of the crime scene. His hands and knees were completely covered in mud. He was growing cold, but he would not stop looking. Tears were forming and blurring his vision. He hoped to find tracks with such a muddy pathway, but there was absolutely nothing. He paced back and forth in utter defeat as if his world was collapsing. And his beloved Takuya was no where to be found.
He screamed to the heavens. "TAKUYA!"
------------------------------------------- End Chapter 1 O_O
So yet again, another movie fic from me (come up with your own damn original ideas!) OTL I've been wanting to write a yamada/mimura fic for a long time, but i didn't know how to do it. so yay me!
Also, i hope you guys won't expect more of the NC17 scenes. i'm keeping this story PG13. so don't ask for more. However, if i'm in the mood again, i might add another quickie optional scene :3
I hope you don't mind the way they speak. I have it set in a European medieval era. kinda like how ikegami daydream of them in the drama XD