Title: The Swan Prince By: arashiforyou Genre: AU/ Romance Rating: PG Pairing: Yamada Taro x Mimura Takuya (Sakumiya) Summary: In an AU setting, Yamada Taro and Mimura Takuya are in fact princes of a faraway land. Unbeknownst to them, a powerful sorcerer kidnapped Mimura and changed him into a swan. Only the power of everlasting love can break the spell. Notes: Based on The Swan Princess
A/N: Final Chapter!!
Chapter 4
He pushed open the front doors in a grandiose manner, feeling his smile spreading across his face as he watched the servants ready the ball tonight. His sisters were busy measuring new dresses and his brothers were forced to follow in suit. Everything must be perfect for the ball, and Taro could hardly hold back his excitement. Taro spotted the nearby florist arranging red angry flowers and Taro quickly detested. He dashed towards him and took the flowers away.
"Please don't use these," Taro said. "I want white flowers...like a swan."
Baffled, the florist bowed his head and hurried back to the garden. Next, Taro heard the musicians playing horrible, booming, and staccato music. He couldn't believe how his mother ever arrange such parties. He intend to maintain a certain theme.
"No, no, no. Maestro," Taro called, and the conductor stopped the rehearsal. "Tonight's ballad should be soft and graceful...like a swan."
"A swan?" The conductor frowned.
"I request it be just as elegant and breathtaking," Taro grinned.
The conductor gave him a confused look, but turned back to face his musicians. Taro hurried away to the next servant doing something wrong, when his mother stopped him.
"Dearest, what has gotten into you all day?"
"Oh, Mother! I have the most wonderful news I wish to share," Taro smiled. "But I wish to keep it a secret until tonight."
"Why hold such secrecy from your mother?" The Queen said, waving her short folding fan.
"Tis be a surprise, Mother," Taro smiled. "Until I make the announcement, that is."
At that moment, the conductor took heed of his word and the orchestra began playing graceful waltz music. His mother stopped her fan as she absorbed the change in the setting around her. Before it was festive with red and gold with a fiery energy, but now the ballroom was donned with white and blue, symbolic colors of purity and unity. Her eyes widen and her smile grew larger. "A-announcement? You mean-"
Taro winked.
"You found a suitor!" She squealed. "Oh, Taro. No more secrets, you must tell me who it is."
"In due time, Mother," Taro said. "You'll know when you see the one."
He could hardly wait. A part of him just want to go back and take Mimura who should be in his human form by now. Everyone will be so shocked to see him again, and Taro would be so glad to prove them wrong. A second chance to prove his love was on its way, and Taro was getting giddier than he ever had. He sat in his room, constantly giggling and touching his red face, thinking about Mimura's return.
"In due time..."
He was back into his swan form again, depressed and defeated inside the water well chamber. He was several meters below ground level, swimming in dark cold water, and a wooden plank loomed over him where the small shack house connect it. His shackles dispersed when he was throw down, and he tried to fly up, but he faced a locked door above. He discovered Ikegami trapped in as well. She was hanging onto a steel handle that was chained to the stone wall. The water was deep and Mimura tried diving to find an opening at the bottom. The well should be close to the lake, and he hoped somewhere Aiba, Jun, and Ohno will find them. From above, Gantz was staring down at them.
"You have driven me to this, Takuya," he said. His voice echoed in the well like a cold chill. "I do not find pleasure in making you upset. But now this..."
"Let us out!" Ikegami cried.
"Silence, imbecile!" Gantz shouted. "You are in no better position than you are him."
She lowered her head, quietly sobbing. MImura glared back at the man.
"D-don't bore those eyes on me," Gantz sneered. "You had to be devious and plot behind me. I warned you before, Takuya. If you cross with me, your end will be nigh. You leave me no choice but to see it through. As of now, I've already sent a replacement of you to attend the ball."
Mimura felt his feathers shiver.
"The fake will get your prince's vow...and so be your death," Gantz crackled. "I have waited long enough, but it's time I lay siege to your kingdom. No longer will I take it through mutually means when you realize the only way to get something is taking it for yourself, and that's fine by me. Share your last words together. For you will both die here."
He slammed the wooden door shut and they were surrounded in darkness. Mimura could sense where Ikegami was and drifted towards her. She was still sobbing quietly, and Mimura gently poked her with his beck to let her know he was nearby. She yelped, but quietly tried to suppress her sobs. He felt incredible sorry for putting her through this, and he drifted closer.
"Are you alright?" He whispered.
She snuffled a bit before she spoke. "You really are the prince. You were here this whole time...as a swan?"
"Yes," Mimura sighed. "I am so sorry, Ikegami. I never wanted anyone to suffer this with me. Forgive me. I had only wanted to see Taro again and break free of my spell. I just wanted to know if Taro had ever...if he ever loved me as I to him."
"But he does!" Ikegami said. "Prince Takuya, Your Royal Highness...you don't have to doubt him. Taro was working nonstop when you went missing."
Mimura felt his heart flutter. "He did?"
"He wouldn't even think about his brothers or sisters," Ikegami added. "He was dedicated to finding you. He told me he wished he could have been more attentive to his feelings, and that he wished he could been more honest with you. He loves you very much, more than anyone else...more than me. Silly of me, really. To think I had a chance with a prince, ha!"
"I should be the one apologizing," she said. "I got myself captured and made the sorcerer suspect you. And now you're trapped here with me."
"We'll find a way out," Mimura said. "But it's so dark, I can't-"
"Your Highness," a voice whispered. Ikegami let out another yelp, but Mimura recognized that slowed voice.
"I've made an opening under the well," Ohno said. "Prince Jun helped find it while Aiba went to the tower. He thought he might find something that can change you back into a human without the moon."
"Thank you, my friend," Mimura said, "but I won't have time to wait for Aiba. I must fly to Taro's kingdom before he delievers his vow to the fake prince. Ikegami, can you swim?"
"Uh, n-no I can't," she whimpered.
"Can you at least hold your breath and dive down?"
"I've never swam before," she cried. "And what if he comes back. I'll stay here to cover you."
"Your Highness, we must hurry," Ohno said, urgently. "If what you say is true, you must reach to Prince Taro. We don't have much time!"
"I'll come back for you," Mimura quickly said to Ikegami. "I promise."
"Don't worry about me," Ikegami said. "Now go!"
He gently butt his head against her arm as a "thank you" gesture, and he dove underwater. His animal instincts helped him follow the tortoise towards to small opening that was bashing through since the stone was softened down below. The current flowed all the way down the lake. When they reemerged, Mimura didn't hesitate for a second and took off into the air.
"Go, Mimura!" Jun yelled to him.
And he flew as fast as he can.
"Lady Chiba Manami of the Freeter Masonry Faction," their announcer called.
Yet another stunning noble made an entrance to Yamada's ball. Taro stood off to the side, clad in a navy blue and white jacket with white cuffs and golden embroidery. He watched as everyone pass by, but only a few times he made a polite smile. He tapped his boot nervously as the guests were nearly finished arriving. He was worried that Mimura will be late. He wished he knew where Ikegami went. He left her back in the woods, but he hoped her fear might have sent her running back home. She probably hates him now for abandoning him, and he had to remind himself to make it up for her.
"Well, Taro," his mother appeared beside him. "Who is it?"
"It's not any of them."
"But Taro, everyone is here," she pointed out. "That was the last of them."
She was right, and the music started. The daughters eagerly awaited at the center of the ball room, waiting for a handsome suitor to come to them. A few had already started dancing to the graceful song that Taro requested. He stayed close to the wall, still hoping that Mimura will come. The hour seemed to drone on, and his mother was getting antsy. He was forced to dance with five daughters of a Duke, an Earl, two daughters of a Knight, and another from a Baron. He simply did his role, and smiled politely, leaving fainted ladies in his wake, but he would quickly find an excuse to leave them.
At long last, there was a knock at the entrance. The music stopped all together, and everyone gazed up at the door. Usually, no one was allowed to enter once everyone invited was introduced. This could only mean one thing...he was here!
The nervous announcer from before opened the door by a crack, but he gasped and swung the doors wide open. Mimura stood before them in a fitting black jacket with silver accents and a deep red vest. His hair was tousled in a fashionable look, and his smile was as bright as his silver buttons. Taro grinned as he stepped forth from the crowd. Everyone was parting for them, whispering behind their hand as Mimura walked down the stairs and towards Taro. Where he got the new outfit, he wasn't sure, but he thought the man looked devilishly handsome.
"I'd thought you never come," Taro whispered.
"I wouldn't miss this for the world," Mimura said with an unusually sly look. Taro ignored it, and raised his voice for all to hear.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I have an announcement to make."
His wings were sore, but he refused to stop for even a second. It must have been a hour until he finally arrived at Yamada's Kingdom. He soared over the villages and towns until he saw the castle ahead. There were carriages already stationed outside the courtyard. The ball had already started, and time was running fast. He had to find a way inside to show Taro he was the real Mimura.
He tried looking for an open window in the ball room, but they were the tall ceiling type of windows that don't ever open. He saw the people gathered around the center, their eyes were on Taro and the impostor. He was amazed how Gantz made the fake looked strikingly like him, physically.
"No, Taro!" Mimura tried shouting. "It's a trick!"
He pecked at the windows, but no one could hear him. The impostor, however, saw him. The fake smirked wickedly at him and quickly pulled Taro away so he couldn't see the swan outside. Mimura flapped his wings and thought of a different solution. He flew around the castle for any open windows, but they were all sealed shut. He was desperate as he flew towards the castle's dungeon sewage tunnel, but he was shocked to find an iron grate blocking his path. He flew out and tried pecking at the ballroom windows again.
Despite them not hearing him, he was able to hear from inside.
"For a month, Prince Mimura Takuya went missing," Taro said. "But I have found him and promised to never leave sight of him. I love Mimura Takuya and I know that our love can withstand all the powers of the world. No magic, science, or any boundaries can break us apart ever again. So hear me this, as I prove to you all.
"I make a vow of everlasting love," Taro started.
"TARO!" Mimura wailed.
"To Prince Takuya," Taro grinned at the fake.
A stabbing pain punctured into his chest. Mimura gagging and coughed, feeling faint and weak. His vision was slowly getting blurry, and his wings were feeling heavy. He couldn't stay as a swan for long. Maybe if he changed back into a human, he can still recover. By now, Aiba might have found something. He hoped at least he'll die as a human...
The world went dark. The candle lights were blown out, and people started screaming when the windows shattered to pieces. Taro grabbed Mimura's hand to make sure he wouldn't lose him. He knew it was Gantz making his entrance. The front doors were forced open by a powerful gust of wind. A man covered in black appeared before them at the doors, smoothly walking down the stairs.
"I do thank you kindly, Prince Taro, for bringing me here," Gantz said, bowing his head.
"You are too late, Gantz," Taro shouted. "I've already made a vow to Takuya, and you've came into a trap."
At his orders, the knights surrounded the intruder at spear point. Taro had suspected Gantz wouldn't give up without a fight, and he prepared for this moment.
"Oh," Gantz laughed. "You have indeed made a vow, my prince. A vow of everlasting...death!"
He spread his hands out and a jolt of blue electric light shot at all of his knights, and they dropped dead on the floor. Another blue bolt of lightening struck at Mimura, and he collapsed as well. Taro panicked and kneel down beside him. He watched to his horror as Mimura's body started shrinking in size. His head was drooped down with his hair hiding his face from Taro.
Suddenly, Mimura flipped his head up and laughed at him. It wasn't his love, but an old woman, mocking him and puckering her lips at him. Taro instantly drew back, shocked as well as disgusted at what was happening.
"You made the vow to the wrong prince!" Gantz exclaimed. "You've lost everything tonight! I will be the new king for both the Mimura and the Yamada kingdom! And now..." he raised his arm out to one window,"...your Prince Takuya will die."
Taro followed his gaze and saw in the distances, a white bird flying away. His heart sank and his skin crawled with goosebumps as he knew who it was. His real Mimura saw the whole thing, and was retreating with a broken heart.
"Takuya!" He shouted.
He raced up the stairs, ignoring Gantz echoed laughter throughout his lands. He trust the remainder of his guards to handle the sorcerer, for Taro's main concern was being with Mimura. He got on his favorite stallion and rode into the forest. The night was a lot darker, and that's when he realized there was no moon. He was a fool to have missed such an important detail. Mimura couldn't have gone to the ball when he can't be a human. Taro kicked his heels harder against his horse, urging to go faster. If he could just get to Mimura, maybe he can still make another vow.
But somehow, he knew he was too late. He failed again in expressing his love.
At last, he arrived at the shrine. He didn't stop for a minute as he raced up the stairs and passed the courtyard. He glanced around the lake, looking for a swan...or a body. A frog hopped in front of him.
"Over here, Prince Taro," it said.
His eyes widen at the talking frog, but it was the least of his worries. He followed the frog and found a puffin and tortoise next to a swan laying on the ground underneath a gingko tree. It looked like the puffin was carrying a potion bottle, but it was empty. A flare of orange light whirled around the swan, and it changed Mimura back into his human form. Taro slid on his knees and gently lift Mimura's head.
"Takuya," he whispered. "Can you hear me? Please speak."
"Yes, Takuya, I'm here!"
Mimura's eyes were so dull in color, and his skin was gray. It was as if death was written on his face. Taro held him close, leaning down and planting his lips on his forehead. He tried brushing away his bangs to soothe him, but Taro was only feeling more anxious as Mimura started fluttering his eyes closed. His voice was also frail and hoarse.
"Taro...my vision grows dark..."
"Your light is here," Taro moaned, his tears dangerously on the edge of spilling over, "Can't you see?"
"Your voice..." Mimura wheezed. "I know I'm not alone...I feel...I might fall asleep."
"Don't!" Taro panicked, holding onto his hands closed to his chest. "Please stay another hour."
Mimura slowly closed his eyes, "I love you, Taro...you have my heart..."
His tears finally fell. "And I give you mine. The vow I made was for you."
The leaves above swayed and bent along with the cold wind. The world was suddenly less brighter, and Taro wished he could sleep beside him as well, never to wake up again. Taro sobbed into his hair, muffling his cries and wishing everything disappeared around him. He failed again. The one chance he got to make things right and he failed to fully express his love. He couldn't save Mimura, and now he's lost him forever.
"What a lovely scene my eyes lay upon," a sinister voice spoke behind him. "I had hoped I could spare a final farewell myself."
Taro stood up, his nose and eyes red but his angry reaching to a boiling point. "I will kill you if you even breath near him!"
Gantz opened his arms to him, his cloak fanned mightily behind him, and a low rumble of thunder boomed in the sky. Taro reached for his back, but he realized he didn't bring any weapons with him. Still, he bravely stepped forth just to pound his fist at his jaw, but Gantz vanished and reappeared in the air.
"A challenge well accepted," Gantz shouted against the heavy winds. "This night is truly a celebration, for now two princes will die by my hand. And I will rule both kingdoms!"
Taro strained his eyes against the wind as he watched Gantz wrapped himself in his large black cloak. A thick mist of color started glowing around the man's body, and he grew in size. A massive black ball floated in the sky until it cracked up, and Taro's eyes widen with fear. An alien-like monster emerged from its shell unlike anything he's every seen. It's head was elongated and thick. Its pointed teeth protruded out of its mouth, and its wings spread as far as three men.
"The great animal," Taro gasped, chills running up his arms.
It screeched into the night, practically silencing everything else with its powerful vibration. The animal dove down, but Taro quickly dodged out of the way. He ran into the shrine for cover, but the alien monster followed him, crashing into the thick pillars trying to grabbed Taro. He has no idea how to beat this monster. And without a weapon, it was a hopeless feat.
"Think, Taro. Think!"
"What do we do? What do we do?!" Jun panicked, hopping up and down on Ohno's shell.
Aiba was trying to drain out Jun's rambles as he thought of another plan. Even though he managed to find the potion for Mimura, he didn't made it into time to save him. However, Aiba was still determined to save at least one prince, but Taro has no weapons to defend himself. Then, he remembered the female companion that was still trapped in the well had a quiver of arrows. All he need was...
"A bow...a bow!" Aiba squawked. "Taro's bow!"
As best as he could, he grabbed hold of Jun with his feathery wings, shouting at his slimy face.
"Swim to the bottom of the lake and get the bow!"
Royalty manners, his beck! He hurled Jun out into the lake, hearing a small cry until Jun splashed into the water. Ohno loyally followed in suit in slow anxious steps, and Aiba flew up towards the well house. Desperately, he crashed himself through the glass window, fluttering a bit to regain his focus, and flew around to find the quiver. Sure enough, it was hanged on the wall, and Aiba grabbed it with his beck. There was a wooden door, but he'll have a hard time opening with his clawed feet. He discard the arrows beside him and he started eating away the wooden door.
After long grueling minutes of wood shredding, and a sore beck later, Aiba finally managed to squeeze through and pulled the quiver behind him. He flew down the well, dropping the quiver where Ikegami was still there hanging onto the chain.
"Please! You must help Taro!" Aiba said, but she screamed before he could even finish.
"A talking parrot! But how-"
"I am no parrot, Madam! I am a puffin! But now is not the time to overreact nor question my species! Taro is in trouble fighting the great animal, and he needs your arrows. They are much too heavy for me to carry. Quick! Take the arrows and swim under the hole."
"B-but I can't!" She cried. "I don't know how to swim."
"If you don't go now, Taro will die!" Aiba screeched. "And your kingdom will be ruled by a sorcerer!"
Her eyes flickered back and forth, thinking hard and staring down at the water. He knows that she wants to help Taro, but her fear of water was holding her back. He landed on the water, and drifted close to her.
"Just follow me," Aiba said. "Trust me. I can lead out of the well and back to the lake. Think...for Taro."
She let out a shaky sob before she nodded her head. She grabbed the floating quiver and wrapped it over her shoulder. She took a deep breath and plunged her head down. Aiba swam ahead, directing her to the small opening and she followed. Aiba continued down the water pathway, making sure she was keeping a good pace, but she lacked the skill in kicking her legs. He swam closer to her view, showing her to wave her legs more for better speed. She followed his instructions, and she finally moved faster.
Aiba was the first to surface, and he quickly spotted Jun jumped to grab his attention. Ohno was holding the bow in his mouth.
Taro was thrown back and he rolled across the courtyard. The half of the shrine had collapsed from their fight. Mostly, it was the alien monster that plowed through the pillars, smashing the thin walls and upheaving the wooden floors. Taro was bruised, tattered, bleeding, and exhausted. In the first few minutes, Taro was trying to find a way to attack, but as he was tossed and clawed around, he started to think death was better.
He could see Mimura this way...
Suddenly, a hard thud landed on his head, nearly knocking him out. He gazed up and saw the same puffin flying away, and his bow landed before him. The bird must have been from heaven, and he grabbed his only weapon, but he had no arrows. The alien crashed out into the courtyard, snarling at him. Taro had no place to run anymore, and the alien opened its mouth wide. It was gathering energy for one final blow.
"P-please..." A voice muttered behind him. "Oh p-please..."
"Takako?" Taro whispered.
It was as if his heartbeat was counting with him. He spun around and grabbed the arrow. He aimed inside the gaping alien's mouth and fired. The arrow plunged deep into the alien's esophagus and it gagged. Yet, it was still alive. It just needs one more push.
"Takako! Another!"
She reached for another, but the alien bound for Taro, pinning him down.
"The way of the bow and arrow is over!" The creature growled at him. "If you are to win...you have to upgrade!"
Takako fired her arrow and it pierced into its eye. It roared a high-pitch alien cry. It glared at Takako, thrusting its arm out and all Taro heard was a scream. She was thrown back just like he was, but Taro feared she didn't have to strength to get back up. The alien resumed back to him, its saliva dripping from its teeth and the arrow still jammed in its throat. He was about to be eaten alive.
A zap-like boom echoed behind them.
The alien turned its head.
Gantz released his hold on Taro, and he was able to lift his head up to see who was at the gate. It was the female assistant who imposed as Mimura at the ball. She pointed at them with a black alien handgun.
"Goodbye, Master," she grinned.
Taro wasn't sure what just happened, but he used the distraction to crawl out of the alien's grip. Gantz screeched loudly, but he exploded into pieces. His insides splattered everywhere, and he was finally dead. Taro was breathing heavily, eyeing the old woman with the gun in her hand. She lowered her weapon and approached him.
"You saved me," Taro said, his brow furrowed deeply. "Why?"
"Do not think I did this for you," she barked. "When he decided to rule two kingdoms, I opted out. It meant I had to do more cleaning. Maintaining Mimura castle was one thing, but another was too much." "M-mimura!" Taro gasped, and he turned back to the broken shrine.
Ikegami regained consciousness and he helped her up, but he quickly raced back to the lake; his main concern was Mimura. He was still there, laying peaceful on the leaves. The tortoise, the frog, and the puffin sat next to him like loyal friends. Taro sank into his knees again, feeling his heart grow heavy again.
"He's still alive you know," the old woman weezed. She didn't stopped for them as she head back towards the tower. She could care less about them, but Taro got on his feet again and followed her.
"How do you know?"
"The Master place his spell as a time death," she explained. "I saw him use Dream Berries into the mix."
"Dream Berries..." Taro frowned. Suddenly, he felt a wave of nostalgia as he recalled that precious memory.
"Dream Berries are the rarest kinds to have the antidote in the same bushel..."
He grabbed the woman's shoulder and forced her to look at him. "Tell me! Where can I find a bush of Dream Berries!"
"The boy is as good as dead. There is no cure for Dream Berries."
"Yes there is! Tell me now!"
"At the far end of the lake. Now unhand me, you imprudent boy!" She yelled, "I'm leaving this place back home in the west." She smacked his hand away before she continued her lonely ascent to the tower.
Taro ran around the lake, searching desperately for the plant. There was only one shrub of Dream Berries, its purple grape-size berries grew fat and plump. Taro ripped off handfuls of leaves and raced back towards Mimura. He shredded and squeezed the leaves together until its green sap started appeared. He hastily brought the sap close to Mimura's nose, but he couldn't even feel Mimura's breath.
Everyone watched him: Ikegami, the tortoise, the frog, and the puffin. He remembered Mimura did this trick and his brother woke up within a few short minutes. Taro felt his eyes stinging again, his green sap covered fingers passed back and forth Mimura's nose for thirty minutes.
"Wake up, please!" Taro cried. "I promise to the day I die, I will never leave you hanging again. I've cried my love to you over and over until I passed out. You have been like the angel on my side, guiding me in the direction whenever I was unsure. Your kindness is beyond mine, for you give it only to me and I want to cherish it forever. I want you to have my love because you have given me yours!"
Taro gave up. He lowered his hand from Mimura's nose, drooping his head in defeat. He didn't bother holding back his tears and he let them drip from his chin. He sobbed quietly as well as Ikegami behind him and Mimura's animal friends. Then, a warm breeze drifted by. He opened his eyes and saw a flicker of purple glow hovering over Mimura. Startled, he silenced his sobs and watched the purple hue flicker back and forth around Mimura.
Gradually, the purple sparks started glowing around Mimura's body. The magic that was infused with the Dream Berries started to expel from his chest. Taro felt a warmth radiate from him, and he watched as Mimura's face gain color. His eyes fluttered opened and his lips parted to draw breathe before he slowly sat up.
He threw his arms around Mimura, pushing him back down with overwhelming happiness. He felt overjoyed to hear his Mimura's soft deep chuckles again. It was like music to his ears.
"I received your love," Mimura uttered. "Thank you."
"He lives!" Jun leaped. "Thank the heavens, Prince Takuya lives!"
A new voice joined them. "He proved to the world, did he not?"
Everyone turned their heads and the saw the same old assistant making her way back towards the shrine. It appears she was leaving the shrine for good. She pulled a cart behind her with numerous gadgets and trinkets for her journey.
"I did?" Taro asked.
"One thing my master failed to understand is the importance of a single being and their place in life," she said. "You each represent a different part of the world, do you not? The girl from the south, the turtle from the west, the frog prince up north, and the talking parrot from the east. You have proven your love to the world, Prince Taro."
"I suppose that Gantz was a fool from the beginning," the frog croaked comically.
Taro felt his jaw hang slightly opened. He did it. He made his vow and proven to the world. How simple it truly was, and he felt a few tears slid down his cheek. Either because of frustration or gratitude, Taro wasn't sure. They watched the humble assistant whispered a tune and carried her cart away to the courtyard, back into the forest where they never saw her again.
"Ah that's right," Mimura smirked. "I promise to keep my end of the deal."
"Deal? What deal?" Taro asked.
The frog leaped up onto Mimura's knee. "Do not take this to heart, Prince Taro. As you can see my tortoise assistant and I, the almighty Prince Jun, are also enchanted, unlike that parrot over there."
"And to break my spell," Jun continued. "I must receive a kiss from a fair, kind, and graceful being such as Mimura."
Taro was about to object, but Mimura placed a hand on his shoulder.
"It's alright, Taro," he said. "I promised to help them. It'll be quick."
"Hmm, very well," Taro pouted, and he stood up.
Mimura scooped Jun into his hands and stood as well. "Ready?"
"I anticipated this very moment," Jun said, puffing out his last froggy chest gesture.
Mimura leaned down and meant for it to be a quick peak, but the moment his lips touched Jun, they were stuck. A heat flourished around them in a cylinder as the magic spell dispersed. He kept his eyes shut from the furious gusts lashing at their faces. Mimura released his hands as he felt someone stand before him. At last the magic winds stopped, but he felt soft full lips pressed into his firmly. He opened his eyes wide and saw a handsome face kissing him.
"Okay, that's enough!" Taro butt in, putting himself between Mimura and Jun.
Jun stood tall and dignified, flexing his arms and legs, as well as quickly grooming his thick full hair. Both Mimura and Ikegami gawked at the northern prince's stunning beauty.
"It worked!" Jun cried. "I'm human again!"
"Oh, wow," Ikegami gasped, her face turning red at the sight of him.
Clearly, Jun heard her and turned his attention towards the simple farm girl. With a powerful smug look on his face, he reached for her hand and gave a gentle kiss.
"A pleasure to be in the presences of a lady," he said, his voice deep and soothing. "At your service."
"Your Highness, enough with the flirtation."
Mimura felt a smile spread across his face as he saw Ohno in his human form at last. The loyal assistant was just as handsome if not more subtle. His gentle eyes gazed at them charmingly and his smile was sincere and honest. He was slightly darker tone than Jun, and Ohno's voice was surprisingly higher than his tortoise form, but Mimura enjoyed the two contrasting difference.
"Ohno!" Jun gasped, turning his completely attention to him. "I have nearly forgotten your face. This is truly a joyous day!"
"I, too, am glad to see His Highness smile again," Ohno grinned.
"We did it, old friend," Jun smiled, tears forming in his eyes. "We're finally free."
The loyal servant and master hugged a tight embrace. Mimura never asked how long they were enchanted, but their close friendship clearly surpass their time in the shrine. He was amazed, still, how long they might have been trapped and yet they never wavered to leave the other. They have stuck together through thick and thin, even since the time they were kidnapped. Mimura was happy for them to be finally be back in their normal lives.
The only creature left was Aiba.
"It appears we have our happy endings," Aiba said, flapping his wings until he was above them. "Alas, my job is done. It was an honor assisting you Prince Takuya and you Prince Taro...and you as well Jun."
"You're leaving?" Jun asked, looking surprisingly sadden. "At least stay to see Prince Takuya and Prince Taro's wedding."
"I would love to," Aiba said, "but I'd best be off to my land in Chiba. The flock needs me and my prestigious strategic skills. After all...I am a Lieutenant, am I not?"
Mimura made a salute and smiled. "Thank you for everything, Lieutenant Aiba Masaki of the Eastern Bird Calvary. Your service shall not be forgotten."
"Goodbye, my friends. I take off!" Aiba squawked, and he soared high into the sky to his next adventure...
The kingdoms rejoiced when Mimura arrived. He was horrified to see his own kingdom in such a terrible state, and quickly got to work. Isogai cried like a baby when he returned home, and he happily served beside him. It was a long and painful month regaining order in his kingdom, but they were also planning a wedding. The two kingdoms were finally united under a new democratic policy. The people were happy for the new system. Mimura and Taro won't be fighting for the title as King of one new nation, but govern it peacefully and as equals.
Their first project was building a better and larger road connecting their two kingdoms. However, they let Isogai and Queen Ayako oversee the road. Taro and Mimura were privately working on another project. While their people build the new road, they reconstructed the abandoned shrine. They wanted it to be there own private sanctuary, complete with new rooms, baths, and kitchens. After one year, their private shrine was complete, and they sat quietly on the porch one hot summer day.
Mimura was gazing up at the rooftops were the sun was setting. He listened to the crickets and the cicadas chirping, enjoying the soothing heat warm his face. How ironic he decided to make his private sanctuary from his old prison. A part of him painfully recalled the memories of his kidnapping, but it was during those dark times he learned the most from his mistakes. Even though he experienced the worst pain, he valued it for shaping out whom he became to be. He heard Taro's footsteps approaching from behind and sat down next to him. He gazed up at the orange sun as well, while Mimura stared at the back of Taro's head.
"Moments like these are good too," Mimura said, peacefully.
"Hmm" Taro hummed in agreement.
It had been a long year of working, and at last they can relax. Taro moved closer to Mimura and stared deep into his eyes. Mimura flickered his eyes up and down between Taro's eyelashes and his thick bottom lip.
"If I'm with you, they are," Taro mused. "For sharing this moment with me...thank you."
He felt his heart skip in his chest as Taro leaned in and gently kissed the upper corner of his lips. His hand naturally slid over Taro's shoulders, pulling him down onto the polished wooden floors. He combed his fingers through Taro's hair, lightly nibbling down on Taro's lower lip. His tongue pressed deep into his mouth, and Taro pressed back. At long last, they can be together. No more oppression, forced marriages, or evil sorcerers. Just the two of them, alone and in peace. A low moan escaped his throat as Taro circled his thumb around his hips.
Taro pulled back and smirked down at him. "It's kinda hot outside. Shall we go into the rooms?"
Mimura smiled and pulled him back down again, his voice husky and seductive. "The heat makes it better."
They clinged to each other ravishingly. Mimura smashed his lips hard onto Taro's as they rolled deeper into the shades of the shrine. Taro was still on top, reaching for Mimura's shirt and pulling it over his head. Mimura also clawed Taro's top clothes off, amazed to find Taro's physique more muscular than it was before. He traced the lines of his body admiringly, and Taro shivered under his touch. Mimura sat up, feeling the cool pillar against his back as Taro continued to suck down his neck. Mimura pushed himself up the pillar, but Taro stayed below on his knees.
He let Taro loosened his trousers and Mimura stood before him completely exposed. Mimura felt his heartbeat racing with anticipation, and he held onto the pillar behind him as best as he could to keep his knees from bucking. Taro looked nervous and slightly overwhelmed as he gazed down Mimura's size. Shyly, he engulfed Mimura's tip and suckled like a bottle. It was ticklish, but Mimura was dissatisfied. Taro would not consume him entirely and only swallow only half his length. He was like a baby sucking on a mother's breast, and it wasn't what Mimura wanted. Still, the wetness and the motion of his tightened lips send ecstatic shivers down towards his spine.
He reached his hands on either side of Taro, and with a powerful thrust, he shoved his full length inside. Taro let out a surprised muffled moan, straining his eyes shut, but Mimura kept a firm hold on his head. He pulled himself out, letting Taro time to breath through his nose before he pushed in again. He wanted to show Taro how it was done, but he felt an exhilarating pleasure just to watch Taro take it forcefully. Taro placed his hands over Mimura's, allowing him to go faster and slamming into his throat harder. Mimura could hear his blood pounding in his ears and let out a high-pitched moan. Taro's nose continued to met his curls with each plunge, and Mimura felt himself ejaculating inside his mouth.
He let out another orgasmic cry, slowly pulling himself out as Taro swallowed. He continued to squirt out, but Taro let it splash on his face. Mimura was panting slightly, watching his prince below him. He pressed his tip against Taro's cheek, across his nose, and up across his eye and forehead. Generally, Mimura was rubbing himself all over Taro's face, and his adrenaline was rushing at the sight. Whenever he passed his lips, Taro would steal a lick, causing the fluttering in Mimura's stomach again.
"Takuya," Taro moaned, "Takuya, please..."
He stripped his pants and turned around, resting on all fours. The sight aroused Mimura greatly, and he sank down on his knees as well. He let his palm spread over Taro's feverish muscles and down to his rear. He spread Taro's legs so the opening was visible, and he placed himself at the entrance. However, he waited, teasing Taro as he remembered Taro did to him. Mimura pressed his chest against his back, reaching under him and gently pulling. Taro groaned hungrily and impatiently that made Mimura dangerously enticed.
At long last, Mimura straighten up and thrust inside. Taro yelped out and moaned passionately. The summer heat was building up a sweat quickly as Mimura gradually picked up his pace. The feelings of completeness and closeness drew Mimura to go deeper. He wanted to feel as close to Taro as possible, that everything they've been through and anything that will come at them will not break this bond. Mimura gripped his hands around Taro's hips to keep him steady and closer. His knees were aching, but it was pain he was willing to endure. The shear sound of their cries in unison made Mimura ejaculate even sooner.
Still, he continued to pump inside, this time more slowly and less furiously. He wanted to wallow in the moment than let it be another lustful sex. Mimura wanted their intimacy to be loving and connecting. When he slowed down his speed, Taro began to grow tighter, as if wanting to keep him as long as possible. With each pull out, Mimura gasped with such pleasure, it was more joyous than dominating Taro with speed and strength. This slow love-making was driving Mimura over the edge. His whole body was on fire, buried in sweet pain with sounds of their bodies merging filled his ears.
He pushed in one last time and staying there as long as he can handle. Taro responded magnificently, his body trembling and his soft moaning droned on nonstop. As Mimura pulled out, he fell on his back nearly exhausted. His knees were bruised from the hard wooden floor, and only his erection stood up tall and thick. He breathed heavily, his eyes closed and his face dripping with sweat. Taro had also collapsed in the heat, but Mimura watched him turn his head towards him.
With a lazy arm, Mimura beckoned him closer. "Come here..."
A cool smile, spread across Taro's face, and he laid down on top of him. As if the summer wasn't hot enough, Taro's body was burning, but it felt welcoming. Taro leaned down and gently pressed his lips onto Mimura's. There was a faint salty flavor on his tongue, and Mimura pressed down even harder to taste himself. He felt Taro's fingers slide up his inner thigh, tickling him again as he spread his legs apart. Mimura felt an excitement stir inside him again as he finally get to see Taro's face entering him.
Taro loomed over him, his lean arms positioned on either side of Mimura and the sense of Taro being dominant delighted him. He dare not leave Taro's eyes, who gazed down at him lustfully and at the same time tenderly. They held each other's gaze for long minutes until it came as a surprise. Mimura refuse to shut his eyes from the pain, but he gasped and his brow furrowed. Taro had plunged himself completely inside in one go, and the overwhelming sudden sensation made Mimura wailed out loudly. He watched Taro's eyes flame with concentration and determination as he continued to pound him.
It was completely different than before. He thought Taro was a tease. He thought Taro wanted him to beg like before. This time, he showed no mercy. Unlike how Mimura wanted to have a slow bonding and deep closeness, Taro's idea of closeness was full on throttle, plunging in harder and harder until Mimura could barely take it. He never realized how much power Taro had, as if he wanted to show Mimura his love and all the years for not noticing. His eyes were on him and only him, and Mimura didn't look away This was what he wanted for so long, for Taro to finally see him and think of no one else. Mimura was the only one moaning intensely, his voice higher than it used to be. He reached his hand up and cupped Taro's sweaty cheek.
Suddenly, he felt Taro release inside him. The sounds of wet plops were mixed with both Taro's and Mimura's groans. Still, Taro continued to pump vigorously. The pain was overpowering, but Mimura did not want him to stop. He didn't want any of it to stop. He wished for Taro to continue gazing down at him as if the world did not matter to them. Nothing matter to them, but the presences of being with each other. For long blissful minutes, Mimura finally shut his eyes to endure the pain and he cried out a loud hoarse moan. He was amazed by Taro's stamina as he kept thrusting in. He was like a mechanically powerhouse.
He felt Taro sucking down on his long exposed neck, and Mimura continued to cry out his orgasm. He wrapped his legs around Taro's waist, and pivoted his lower back a bit to allow Taro to go even deeper. Taro breathed in Mimura's scent and traced his lips along his jawline and up to the sweet crook between the corner of his jawbone and his neck. Mimura loved it all. He loved Taro's firmness and the feelings of abundance. He surprisingly loved the feeling of being submissive and controlled over, but it was more of a strong sense of reassurance and support. Taro was making him feel loved and wanted, and it was more than he could ask for.
"Taro!" He cried out.
For a second time, Taro ejaculated inside him and the wetness was blissfully cool between their legs. Mimura also ejected out, cooling his chest as well as his prince above him. Taro let out a low husky moan as he pulled out at long last. Mimura was completely spent. There was no way he could even stand, but it was a delightful feeling. Taro had also laid down next to him just as exhausted. It must have been their longest moment ever, and outside in the heat made it ten-folds more enjoyable. Mimura managed to roll to his side to face his love, watching him breath in heavily.
"Thank you," Mimura whispered.
Taro grinned tiredly, but his eyes showed his gratitude as well. MImura laid his palm out, and Taro took it. They held hands and laid there to catch their breath. The sun was setting at last, and the cool night sky soothed their heating bodies. With their hands clasped tight, nothing could break them apart.
------------------------- end of story!! :D
my god, it's late, i'm exhausted, and i did not betaed that nc17 scene XDD