Title: Four Times Ohno Makes Drunk Calls, One Time Nino Did Too
arashiforyouPairing: Ohmiya
Genre: Humor/ Slight Angst at the end
Rating: PG13
Summary: Ohno makes drunk calls to Nino four times in a row, and Nino has to sit through each call listening to different types of "drunk-Ohno". Then one night, Ohno gets a drunk call from Nino...
Author Notes: For
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Comments 6
Seriously, this is well writting. Thank you for share it.
I want to know what happen after nino's declaration. If is possible write a continuation of this :)
plus it balances the other fic's genre that i wrote XD
i don't have any plans for a continuation. most likely what happened, nino couldn't remember his own drunk call just like ohno. yeah, i definitely have a thing for angst ahaha!
nonetheless, i'm glad you enjoyed it!
thanks for reading!
but i'm glad you liked it
thanks for reading!
I just read it now cause it seems I missed yours.
But wait this written there THE END. You mean that's the end. A- wha- B-But! Ehhhhh? Why?? D:
Please write a sequel or alternate emding or something. This is just so sad for Nino.
i have a thing for angst! and i thought balancing it with a comedy fic would be nice :3
i dont think i'll make this a continuation or make an alternative ending. but anyone else is welcome to XD
thanks for reading!
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