Title: "You're Like A Drug"
Rating: Pg
Pairing: Ohmiya
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 744
Disclaimer: I own the plot. JE owns Arashi. And Arashi owns my heart. Its a never ending cycle!
Summary: Small touches over the years lead to one simple thing.
A/n: so im like so tired now. but i had to post this before i went to bed (yes at 5:30 in the morning) so enjoy! written for
nicefinalbeam 's
a kiss, and all was said challenge
Sometimes he was tempted. Just a little bit though, no one would blame him. Ohno was always quiet when it came to things like this, he didn’t like to voice his serious feelsing about things other than food. Everyone always thought he was joking around when him and Nino would play and say they loved each other, after all they had been doin it for years and they all knew how miniulitave Nino could be.
It never bothered him much though, Nino’s touches and hugs. The way he would just wrap his arms around him and rest his chin on Ohno’s shoulder.Or the way he would just sit next to him and putt an arm around his shoulder as if it was perfectly natural for then to be connected. It was kind of comofrting, in a weird way that the rest couldn’t understand, but it didn’t matter.
Sometimes though, Nino would shy away, hang all over someones else. It was times like these that Ohno had this tight pulling in his chest that he couldn’t understand but everytime that Nino would wander off to Aiba or Jun, or Sho even, and hang all over them for the day, the feeling would get stronger.
Sho told him he was in love with Nino. Ohno didn’t believe it at first. Sho liked to joke around sometimes, but he knew the other was right. Sho was usually right about these types of things, he still didn’t want to admit it though. He asked Aiba. He got a ridiclious answer, ad was extreamly confused. Maybe Jun would be a better person. But he couldn’t talk to Jun about this. Well he could, but Jun was the baby of them all, so going to the baby for advice was a little odd in his mind.
Sho’s words ran through his head a lot after that. Mocking him almost, telling him that he sould act before Nino stopped hanging all over him as much as he did. Ohno then started to count how many times Nino would distance himself. Was he getting paranoid, or did the number of times increase. He was getting frustrated with himself.
Ohno tried to ignore it after that. He opted for something new. If Nino wasn’t going to hang all over him and he’d hang off Nino. At first Nino would just stand there awkwardly, he didn’t know how to react to Ohno’s sudden boldness. Then he warmed up to the new and unsually toches that Ohno would shy out from time to time.
At one point Nino would come up behind Ohno while he was sitting and lean over the couch or chair he was sitting in and drap his arms around Ohno’s neck. Ohno would then comply by taking Nino’s hand in his and linking their fingers. Only small gestures like this would Ohno thorw out, but it made Nino all the more happy.
It came as a surprise to Nino, and Ohno himself when Ohno took the first move. Sure they were always close friends, too close, some would say. But that never stopped them, it fuilded them on more actually.
Nino was sitting at his keyboard, had been there all day. Ohno was perched on his couch just watching as the younger would play some cords, write something, play somemore, erase and re-write, then play once again. He watched intently, like an owl-cat, so interested in the others movements.
At some point Nino started to play out in full song, and it was one of the most beautiful things he had ever heard Nino play since the two had been friends. His hands slipped from the keys when the song was over and let out a soft sigh and rubbed at his bed head hair from this morning. Ohno was still lost in the sounds of Nino’s playing in his ears so he didn’t know what he was doing until after it happened.
He got up from the couch and moved slowly over to Nino at the keyboard. Placing a hand on Nino’s cheek he leaned down and kissed the younger softly on the lips. When he pulled back Nino was smiling.
“What was that for?” He asked softly placing his own hand over Ohno’s. Ohno shrugged. “Will it happen again?” Ohno smiled next and kissed Nino’s nose. “You’re like a drug, Oh-chan.” That wasn’t the last kiss they had either, for there were many more to come in the future.