25 epic things that are not so epic...x_x shut up

Aug 20, 2010 08:47

The 25 Things Your Flist (Probably) Doesn't Know About You-meme! (stolen from scribblyness_x )

The rules are simple:
1. Write down 25 things about you that you don't think most of your flist knows.
2. Even if they are weird, post them.
3. Tag 3 people to do the same.

1. I've gotten stitches once. Long story short it was one of the times my parents had split up, I was at the beach with my dad (and his girlfriend and her son) I was being a rebellious 5 year old and he was being a man and didn't make me put shoes on. The trip ended early and I refused to walk on my feet for about 3 weeks.
2. I've been in a few car accidents. Nothing serious but still...
3. I'm a mut (race). People like to call me Oreo
4. My parents have been separated from each other about 5 times in my 17 years, my dad has been married twice and I am his 5th child, my parents aren't legally married
5. I spent most of my childhood hanging around my mom so people think I'm a different age that I really am by how quiet I am
6. I use to hate reading with a burning passion, but now if I feel like it I can finish a book pretty fast
7. I once had over 2 million points in pinball on the computer
8. I want to learn how to play the guitar but refuse to ask my dad about it because he'll want to teach me and then I'll end up yelling at him (because he's left handed, age 55, and don't explain but yells. I'm right-handed and can yell right back)
9. I use to have a tendency to fall down the stairs of our apartment a lot after e moved to a place with more than one floor, once i ended up face first at the bottom of a flight of stairs in out kitchen
10. I laugh obnoxiously at things and very loudly and I'm usually the first one to get a sick joke.
11. I like to attack people with stuffed animals.
12. I still play with legos.
13. I find talking to guys easier because they don't bitch about stupid things that pretty much mean nothing in the end...like make-up
14. I meow at people when I ant to be random and freak people out
15. I don't dance. At all
16. I use to be in chorus at school but I quit when I moved only to start buck up two years later then quit again when I entered high school
17. I meow at people when I ant them to be scared of people
18. I like to use sarcasm a lot to the point where it's hard to tell if I mean what I say
19. All my headphones like to die within three months of me getting them
20. I use to attack my mom in stores after I got tired of her talking and wanted to go home
21. When I was ten my grandfather sent me a keyboard (piano), I have still yet to try and really learn how to play.
22. My mom use to work nights hen I was little and I would wait for her to come home before I went to bed
23. I failed the 2nd grade
24. I don't know how to cook
25. Today (currently in time) I have problems sleeping where I can't go to bed at normal times so I end up staying up late on school night only to get a few hours of sleep and take periodical naps during the day.

not part of the facts really but just saying, i really want to do a comment fic lately...and i have no idea why -_-"
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