D☆DATE Official Twitter Oct 2011

Oct 06, 2011 20:31

Wanted to contribute a bit to a new group I've started to have an interest in, D☆DATE. Here's a translation of their tweets for October ^_^

I'll start off with the main description at the top of the page:
人気俳優集団D-BOYSから選抜されたスペシャルユニットD☆DATE。昨年12月に「あと1㎝のミライ」でデビューを果たし、見事オリコンチャート初登場7位を獲得。この夏3rdシングル「DAY BY DAY」を7/27(水)にリリース!
Members: Igarashi Shunji, Seto Koji, Nakamura Yuichi, Araki Hirofumi, Horii Arata.
D☆DATE, a special unit selected from the popular actors group, D-BOYS. In December last year, they made their debut with "Ato 1cm no Mirai", achieving 7th place on the Oricon charts. This summer, their 3rd single "DAY BY DAY" was released on 27/7!

Since I have no idea if they have their own color I'm just gonna go with the backgrounds in the Ato 1cm no Mirai PV xD
荒木 = Araki-kun = Red
瀬戸 = Seto-kun = Blue
IG = Igarashi-kun = Green
堀井 = Horii-kun = Yellow

Last Edit: 2011.10.16 (Will try to update regularly =)

2 Oct
[荒木] 来週分のDラジS収録にDーBOYSの春菊登場♪ チェックしてね♪
In next week's recording of D-Radio-S, Shungiku makes an appearance ♪ Check it out kay ♪

3 Oct
[瀬戸] 春菊?誰だー?
Shungiku? Who's that?

3 Oct
[荒木] そうだそうだ!! 誰だ誰だ!? 瀬戸のこと、春菊って言ってるやつは~?なんとなくであだ名付けてんじゃねぇぞ~!!
That's right!! Who was it? Who was it!? The person who called Seto "Shungiku"~? Don't just make up nicknames as you please~!!

3 Oct
[荒木] サムギョプサル… 韓国料理にありそうな名前…。何故か今、頭の中を通り過ぎた。
"Samugyopusaru".. There's a Korean dish by that name... Somehow it just popped into my head.

3 Oct
[荒木] なんだ、存在するから通り過ぎたのか♪ はぁ、韓国に韓国料理食べに行きたいな…☆ 海外行ったことないけど…。
What? *Because it was there, I passed by it?♪ I want to go to Korea and eat Korean food..☆ Even though I've never been abroad before...

*I'm sure this is incorrect, I have no idea what he's trying to say.. If it's to do with the previous tweet, he might be joking about how random he was (I think >.<)

5 Oct
[瀬戸] 今日、さむっ!
It's cold today!

6 Oct
[荒木] 雨が降った時の寒さは凄いな…。秋物着放題♪
The coldness when it rains is no joke... The Autumn clothes available are endless ♪

7 Oct
[瀬戸] おはようございます!稽古も終盤です。最後の追い込み頑張ります!
Good Morning! Rehearsal is almost over. I'll do by best in the homestretch!

[荒木] もう追い込み期間か…。まだ3週間くらい稽古がありそうな感覚だよ…。さ、頑張りますか♪
It's already the least stretch huh.. But it feels like it's only been 3 weeks of practice.. Well, I guess I'll just do my best ♪

[Staff Y] Due to popular demand, it has been decided that additional bargain seats for "Kensatsugawa no Shounin" will be sold! It'll only be for the performance in Tokyo but additional tickets for all timings will be sold. Because they are bargain seats, some parts of the stage will be hard to see but because they are 1st level front row seats, for those interested, please do grab this chance.

8 Oct
[瀬戸] おはようございます!今日からNHK Eテレで「グレーテルのかまど」が始まります。初のナビゲーターで、頑張らさせていただいてます。毎週土曜日21時半から、NHK Eテレ「グレーテルのかまど」毎週観て下さい!
Good Morning! Today, NHK E-Tv's Gretel's Oven will be starting. I'll do my best with this opportunity to be the first navigator. Every saturday from 9:30pm, please watch NHK E-TV's "Gretel's Oven"!

[IG]絶対に見ます\(//∇//)\ さぁ舞台本番まで一週間!!!あたし、めげない(´Д` )
I'll definitely watch it \(//∇//)\ Now then, there's one week left til the first show!! I won't be discouraged (´Д` )

9 Oct
[荒木] 10月8日は中村優一の誕生日でした。 ちゃんなか、おめでとう。 俺はお前に会いたいぞ!!
8th August was Nakamura Yuichi's birthday. Channaka, Happy Birthday. I miss you!!

[瀬戸] 今稽古終わりました! 腹減ったー
I've just finished practice! Hungry~

10 Oct
[荒木] 瀬戸は本当、大人だなぁ☆ 憧れるわ♪
Seto is really matured huh~ ☆ I admire that ♪

[瀬戸] リーダー? どうしたんスか?
Leader? What do you mean?

[荒木] いやぁ、大人だよ♪ しかし、隼士はクールな兄貴だよなぁ♪ カッコいいよ☆
Yup, you're matured ♪ However, Shunji is a cool big brother huh.. ♪ Very cool ☆

11 Oct
[荒木] 新太もすごいなぁ…。 ずっと新太だもんなぁ…。 3万人から選ばれたんだもんなぁ…。 なんか…こう…きっと…次元が違うんだな!! 凄いんだよ!! 憧れるわ♪
Arata is amazing.. He's always been Arata huh.. After all, he was chosen from 30000 people.. Somehow.. it's like.. surely.. his dimension is different!! That's amazing!! I admire that ♪

12 Oct
[荒木] IGがご飯、御馳走してくれた♪
IG treated us/me to a meal ♪

13 Oct
[IG]私だ!舞台本番まであとわずか‥ 今から緊張してるわ(´Д` )
It's me! Only a bit more till the show huh.. I'm starting to get nervous (´ D `)

14 Oct
[荒木] IGの緊張はほどけたかなぁ♪
Wonder if I've loosened IG's nervousness~♪

[IG]ほどけたよ! ってか、目の前で声出しながら打つならTwitterじゃなく、普通に質問してもらってもいいですか
You have! More like, while you're within talking distance, if you want to ask, instead of doing it on twitter, can you just ask normally?

[荒木] そんなこと言わないで!! hey♪
Don't say thing like that!! hey ♪


[荒木] hey!yo!hey!yo!hey!yo! ティンカーベ~ルどこ!?♪
hey!yo!hey!yo!hey!yo! Where's Tinkerbelle!? ♪

[瀬戸] リーダー? 明日は舞台本番です! 本番は何度迎えても、緊張します。
Leader? Tomorrow is the start of the show! No matter how many times I've performed I still get nervous.

15 Oct
[荒木] なぁにぃ~? 緊張するよな…。 でもKJなら大丈夫!! KJに出来ないことはない!!
Yes~? We do get nervous huh.. But since it's KJ, it'll be fine!! There's nothing KJ can't do!!

[IG]明日は本番だ(´Д` ) 最近のラッキーのツイートがポジティ過ぎて清々しいな\(//∇//)\ 瀬戸ちゃんは緊張しても出来る男だからなぁ〜。
Tomorrow is the start of the show (´ D `) Recently, the lucky tweets have been very positive, it's very refreshing \(//∇//)\ Seto-chan is someone who can do it even if he's nervous.

[IG]さっ!今日は舞台初日です。笑 みんなからメッセージもらったし頑張ります!! 良い子は寝ましょう!悪い子も寝ましょう! 私は眠れません。明日も瀬戸ちゃんに会えるから‥‥(=´∀`)人(´∀`=)yeah!笑 おやす〜( *`ω´)
Well! Today is the first day of the play. (laugh) I've received messages from everyone so I'm gonna do my best!! Good kids go to sleep! Bad kids go to sleep too! I won't sleep. Cause I'm also meeting Seto-chan tomorrow too.. (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)yeah! (laugh) Nite~ ( *`ω´)

[Staff] D-BOYS' smart phone site has been opened! Membership campaign is also happening! For more information, go to this website with your smart phone

[Re-tweeted from Oricon] D-BOYS瀬戸康史ら、初の本格ミステリー舞台に手応え「ハリー・ポッターに負けない」 http://bit.ly/q5C2daFeedback for Seto Koji from D=BOYS' first full scale mystery play "Doesn't lose to Harry Potter"

[IG]初日終わりました!来てくれたみんなありがとうございます! みんな!ネタバレ禁止なんで大阪千秋楽まで口外しないでね(=´∀`)人(´∀`=)
The first day has ended! To everyone who came, thank you! Everyone! Spoilers are prohibited so keep it a secret until the last day of the Osaka show kay (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)

16 Oct
[荒木] 恐ろしいくらいの睡魔と戦い中…。 眠たすぎて、体がいうこと効かない…。
I'm in the middle of a horrible battle with the sandman.. Not listening to my body saying that it's too sleepy..

[瀬戸] 夜分遅くに申し訳ない。 無事に初日を迎える事ができました! 本日、お越し下さった皆様ありがとうございました! 今日はもう寝ます。 おやすみなさい。
I'm sorry that it's gotten so late. I've managed to overcome the first day safely! To those who attended to day, thank you very much! I'm going to bed. Goodnight.

【「検察側の証人」ニッカンスポーツ】⇒D-BOYS「ハリポタに負けない作品」 http://www.nikkansports.com/entertainment/news/f-et-tp0-20111015-850224.html via  @nikkansportscom
(Just a link to the review of the play)

☆ 春菊/Shungiku is apparently edible chrysanthemum. Copy-paste it ito google and you can see what it is. Don't really get the joke but if anyone listens to it, it be great if you could tell us how they used it xD
☆ DラジS: D-RADIO BOYS, the weekly radio show hosted by rotating D-BOYS in pairs. (thanks to tilmon for clearing that up ^_^)

Disclaimer: Japanese is not my native language and I'm crazy new in the D☆DATE fandom so I might now get inside jokes and stuff so feel free to point out any mistakes I might have made ^_^

D☆DATE, translation

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