Title: Orange Paper Series: Playing Dress Up
Pairing: None
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Crack?
Length: One Shot
Side Note: It's called Orange Paper Series Because I wrote this all in a orange construction paper i folded several times.
"No,stop...ah..wait, don't touch!" Leeteuk's voice was overheard outside on the hallway as he was inside his bedroom ambushed by Kangin,Heechul, and Kyuhyun who, ignoring his pleads, stripped him of his clothing.
A knock was heard on the door as they finally got his pants off.
"Oi, Teukie, What's with the noise?" Siwon asked from the other side of the door, slightly worried.
"Ah, Simba~~~~~~" Leeteuk trailed off as he felt Kyunhyun reach for his underwear.
Surprised by Teukie's continous moans and begs Siwon decided to come in.
"Wait, don't!" Cried Teukie, but Siwon had already opened the door and he was now standing infront of them wide eyed as he saw the scene.
Leeteuk was sitting on the floor, infront of Heechul, who had a scrunchy in his hand and grabbing a handfull of teukies hair he placed it on him.
Kyuhyun was closing the last button on the white winged dress Teukie was wearing.
Lastly Kangin stood, red lipstick in hand just meters away from Teukie's lips.
Siwon could only burst out laughing at this as he held himself up on the door frame. After a bit he started walking away, ignoring Teukie's pleads for help, still some chuckles left on him.
~~~~The End