Title: Orange Paper Series: Closet Love
Pairing: KiHae/EunHae/hinted!KiHyuk
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Suspense, Drama
Length: 1/? probably a TwoShot at most...maybe
Summary: Donghae's a cheater, Eunhyuk is jealous, and Kibum is oblivious to it all...or is he?
Side Note: It's called Orange Paper Series Because I wrote this all in a orange construction paper i folded several times
"Kiss me Donghae..." said Eunhyuk as he snuggled closer. Donghae just blushed lightly trying to push the sleeping Eunhyuk away.
"Eunhyuk, Wake up...Kibum will be here any minute now" Donghae said sitting up noticing how Eunhyuk whined and snuggled onto the bed.
"I don't wanna...I want to stay with you fishy" he said clinging
"You've got to leave now." he said in a serious tone, making Eunhyuk sit up.
"It's always Kibum, why can't you spend a day with me? It's always the same thing." said Eunhyuk annoyed.
Donghae began dressing up "If you don't like it, we can stop" he replied calmly
"No!" Eunhyuk said. "...Only you know the things I like, Donghae..." he added with a slight blush.
A smirk appeared on Donghae's lips as he listenend to the boy "I know, but if Kibum sees you, he'll give me trouble..."
As if on cue, there was a knock on his door.
"Donghae~~~I'm here" a familiar voice said as the door swung open.
Donghae's eyes widened and quickly made his way to the kitchen, but not before telling Eunhyuk to hide, to which Eunhyhuk rolled his eyes but obliged, hiding in the closet.
Meanwhile Kibum gave Donghae a hug and a small kiss on his cheek. "K-kibum, what are you doing here?" asked Donghae feeling a bit nervous.
"What do you mean? you said we could go out today" Kibum replied walking to the bedroom. "Yeah, but you're early..." Donghae replied following the boy.
When they entered the bedroom, Eunhyuk was nowhere to be found. A frown was noticeable upon Kibums lips.
"Were you alone?" Kibum asked Donghae as he looked around.
"Of course ..." Donghae repied nervously, but he felt more uneasy when he saw Kibum approach the closet.
"Hey, shouldn't we get going? we're gonna be late" Donghae said trying to get Kibum to leave.
The latter hesitated but managed to give up and sigh. "Fine..." He said just before a sneeze was heard from behind the closet doors.
Kibums eyes widened and quickly managed to open the closet doors, even though Donghae tried to stop him.
"...Eunhyuk?" Kibum said suprised.
"K-kibum..." Eunhyuk said feeling a faint blush appear on his cheeks.
"...Wait...you two know each other?" Donghae asked confused.
SideNote: imagine Eunhyuk said "Oh, my fishy told me he was also with a guy named Kibum..hmm.. that's a common name" it actually is lol