Where was I?
Up at 8am after roughly an hour of sleep. I joined my mom, Uncles Rick, Tom and Tim, Aunt Donna and cousin Sammy for breakfast. After I ate my fill and drank several cups of coffee, I returned to my room with Sammy. I packed up my things and with Sam's help, I managed to take everything to the car in just one trip.
Sammy joined me as I drove to Granpa's house. There everyone else would eventually be meeting up for a Rothman family Christmas. I had much fun in my conversation with Uncle Tom. I explained to him that he tipped the scales and I have the vote for best family. If you like I can list the things that make my family so unique and wonderful. But Uncle Tom wins for his statement he made to Guin several years ago at Thanksgiving. Afterall, two queens, do a marriage make.
There I struggled to stay awake until all the family arrived. Which is very difficult when you are drinking a soothing tea for your throat and are trying not to talk for fear your voice will go out yet again. But I stayed awake and cognitive enough to join in the family white elephant gift exchange. With the majority of the family together for the first time in years, it took a while. I think there were 24 of us present. So 24 people in one room, even at Granpa's house, gets tight. I ended up with a Calligraphy set. I also got my presents from my Godfather. Another ornament for my collection. (He has given me an animal ornament nearly every Christmas since I was 13. Someday I hope to have a full menegery on my tree.)
After the gift exchange my cousin Tavis headed back to New York, with my cell phone number in his phone. Once I get my voice back I will give him a call. I worry about him. But not long after he left, I conceded to my tired body and headed home. I got home a little after 4pm. I took some NyQuil. Unwound for a few hours. And was out cold by 7pm.
I woke up around 11am. For those of you doing the math, that is about 16 hours of sleep. I dreamt like crazy. I wish I had recorded it, because they were really great dreams. However, with all the dreaming, I woke up not really as refreshed as a 16 hour sleep with cold medicine will make you feel.
I got a call from Nia going over the plans for the day/evening. Despite not using my voice for over half a day, it was still sounding like an eighty year old smoker. I took a shower and then fell asleep for several hours. Upon waking I slowly started getting ready to head over to Nia's apartment.
There I had the good fortune to spend time with Amanda, Danny, Jeremy, Meg, Meredith, Erin, and Nia. There was more food than we could eat. All of it Oh So Tasty! There was plenty of conversation. Lots of laughing. And champane for ringing in the New Year. And though Nino and Jess could not be there I did get to talk with them briefly.
Being very tired, I opted to drive home and spend the night in my comfy bed. So after my goodbyes and a very easy drive home, I finally went to bed around 2:30am.
Monday - slept off and on all day. I don't even think I got out of my PJs.
Tuesday - after a two hour delay, Ted and Emily finally headed over to my house. I took them to my usual fooding place. I hadn't eaten more than a few bites in nearly 24 hours. So I did my meal justice.
While we were out Emily gave me a lovely Christmas present of two Chinese characters and authentic ink pad. I can't wait to use them! I took Ted and Emily to Half Price Books where we browsed until it was time for Ted and Emily to drive across town to their next appointment. I wish I could have had more time to spend with them (as well as a speaking voice so that I could have had a good chat with them). As it was, it was wonderful to see them and I am looking forward to a copy of the pictures of us.
Wednesday - Slept. Tried to spend some time with my brother before he headed back West. Kathy and Matt took off for their honeymoon. Took it easy. Completely lost my voice. Can only talk in whispers.
Thursday - Worked. Which totally sucked without a voice. Mom and I went out to dinner together. Found out that Great Aunt Helen passed away. Apparently I, and not my mom, is the last to know.
Friday - Worked. Slept.
Saturday morning I got up and showered and dressed. I actually now own enough back separates that I can in fact wear all black to a funeral. I wore my crystal pendent, etched with the letter B. It belonged to my Granma and I felt it would be nice to have a piece of her with me at the funeral.
It was Great Aunt Helen who died. She is my dad's Aunt. She was married to his favorite Uncle. She had been a widow for nearly 30 years. She has been in relative good health. All of her family was in for Christmas this year (including her great grandchildren). And not long after Christmas she suddenly took sick and just quickly passed.
It was mostly just family at the funeral. But we managed to fill about 1/3 of the church. For a 95 year old woman, it was an awefully big funeral. I couldn't really talk to anyone as I can only still just whisper. But things went smoothly. Her grandson, Joe gave a wonderful eulogy. Not an easy thing to do. Having given one for my own grandma, I know.
Funny thing about funerals, after attending one, you never attend JUST ONE again. Every funeral takes me back to other funerals. Some more promenent than others. I always seem to go back to Jeff's and Grandma Barb's. But sometimes it's one of the many others. I have attended nearly three times as many funerals/wakes than I have weddings. I'm not sure if that is normal. But I suppose I'm not really a normal girl.
I was looking forward to a visit with some friends after the funeral, but that just didn't pan out. Which explains why I have managed to fill you all in on the last two weeks in such a short period of time.