Some of you might remember me mentioning my failed attempt to rescue a stray cat in
this journal entry.
Well, I was on my way to work today when I saw a white and brownish black cat walking across the street. Like before, I made my usual little clicking sound and just like before, the cat came right up to me. I walked a little ways away, intending on heading to work, and glad to see that the cat was okay, but it started following me again. So, I just shook my head, amused, and started walking home. The cat followed me most of the way, but when I saw the man walking his dog again, I picked it up. Held on tight this time, and woke up my poor husband who helped me get it inside.
The cat is now in my bathroom. It has food, water, and a litterbox and will be taking a visit to the animal shelter this evening when I get home. Maybe I can convince my husband to take a picture of it, if not, I'll post one tonight.
EDIT: Out of focus picture. Kitty won't hold still. Wants too much love.