Next time you join a rating community, including one of mine, make sure you fill out an application instead of posting some random stupid... thing on what makes a community suck, you twassock!
Hmm. In some ways, I agree with you. In others, I don't. Not all rating communities are full of idiots. And not everyone who joins them is insecure and in search of validation. Prior to joining any such communities, I completely agreed with you, 110%. Now it's more like 50%. I joined them out of boredom, and because, while I hate to admit it, I tend to be a bit of a sheep sometimes. I had friends who seemed to be getting a kick out of it, so I decided to see what the fuss was about. I'm only really in two, and both are full of wonderful people (with, I'm sure, a few idiots, and a few teenyboppers as you so described). I'm probably going to be mocked and laughed at for this anyway, so I'm not sure why I'm trying to explain myself. :)
But yeah. You do have a good point. Kinda makes me question whether rating communitites are all they're cracked up to be. Well, I've been questioning that for a while anyway. Heh.
Comments 37
But yeah. You do have a good point. Kinda makes me question whether rating communitites are all they're cracked up to be. Well, I've been questioning that for a while anyway. Heh.
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