Here’s a basic glossary of important people, places, things and concepts that play a role in my life. I hope to be constantly adding to this list, but you never know with me. If you’ve still got questions about a “character” in the saga of my life, feel free to ask me about them :)
Alex: aka
monkeyhitman is CathErine’s boyfriend. We are, however, at the beginning of becoming friends in our own right, so don’t discredit him completely :P He’s a very sweet guy, always going out of the way to help everybody.
Ba: She would be my maternal grandmother. She is married to “Papa” and has a pet poodle named Nick. My grandmother is very fussy, and loves to clean house so much that once she said “don’t touch the soap; you’ll get it dirty!” She also loves to go shopping, and dragging us along to the mall with her.
Britta: aka Trixie An (a random nickname) is a very cool chick I met in WP freshmen year. She’s really bizarre, always coming up with some far-fetched idea to make us smile. She adores anything Harry Potter, especially Oliver Wood ~drools~
CathErine: aka Cat or
radicaldestiny is somebody who I will be spending a majority of my day with for the next two years. She’s another full-IB French/Bio candidate, and we whittle away the hours passing notes and making fun of everything and everybody under the sun.
Charlee: She’s my female albino rat. At first, we thought she was rather “think in the head” since she couldn’t run in her ball, and let her jaw hang slack, but her intelligence seems to be coming with time. She’s just too cute :)
Dad: aka Father or Pere. My Dad and I don’t always get along, since he’s a Fundementalist Conservative Christian, and constantly tries to force his views upon me. Generally, if we aren’t fighting, we’re discussing cool computer gizmos.
DH: aka
The Dollhouse. This is one of the first forums I ever visited, and can be held solely responsible for getting me into cartoon dollz and sucking away hours of my time. I’m AnArcaneAnteater there.
DI: aka
Destination Imagination or a creative project revolving around creating a skit. Supposedly I’m getting my CAS hours out of the way with this…
Diana: aka Soeur, Tete Saumure, any other pet name in the universe. Diana is my sister, and she’s the coolest cat there is. We hated each other’s guts for the longest time, but now we’re so chummy it’s scary. I think she’s the only one who’s truly attuned to me. We have a tendancy to break into song and dance in public places, or chant “Qui suce? Mere/Pere suce!”
Goldie: aka Mrs. Goldberg, my WP teacher. I was placed in her WP freshmen year, where we played Hearts every single day. Since she’s really cool about making exceptions, and an all around fun person, I’ve elected to have her be my WP teacher for all 4 years of high school.
HOL: aka
Hogwarts On Line. I just found out about it for the 2002 school year, and I’m currently enjoying my classes and the people I’ve met. I’m a first year Ravenclaw, Kadiah Bryll.
IB: aka
International Baccalaureate. This is a highly rigorous honors programme, harder than AP that I’ve decided to waste my time on. I am a full-IB candidate, meaning I’ll test in 6 subjects between my junior year and get a pretty little certificate to hang on my wall, which gets me nowhere, except not needing to re-paint that portion of my wall.
Jennifer: aka Jennifer Chan. She’s a senior I met recently (friend of Liz’s) who is in my WP. She’s very kind, and we sometimes do stuff outside of school together.
KHG: aka
Kau Herd Guild. In November 2000, I was elected into this Neopets organization as secretary, and I’ve moved my way up the ranks to become the president. I’m the webmistress of, and it sucks up a lot of time. My Neopets sn is purplemoocow.
Lindsay: aka Lindsay Fay. She’s another full-Iber (read: I see her waaaay too often) and she doesn’t have much of a following. I won’t say anything bad here, I’ll just let you read between the lines :P
Liz: Liz and I have been in the same class together since 1st grade. She and I spend lunch together, wandering around looking for a quiet place to do homework. She’s very imaginative and witty, and she’s one of my closest friends.
Mirabelle: My other rat, although this one is grey. Mirabelle is super-smart, knows exactly what’s going on and wants to be a part. Her raison d’etre is to escape her cage and live as a wild rodent in the woods.
Mom: aka Mother or Mere or Mum or anything like that. I love my mother dearly, and for the most part, we get along. She tends to be a bit over protective, although she also likes to provide me with interesting insight as we spend an hour or two in the car each day.
Papa: My maternal grandfather. He loves to play golf and spoil his granddaughters :D He also plays a mean hand of cards and comes to my jazz concerts.
Quila: Quila and I were super-close sophomore year, but we’ve started to drift apart. She plays bass and is a very “unique” individual. She’s uber-lazy, though, and since she isn’t doing IB, I don’t see much of her anymore except when at jazz functions and when we usher at plays.
Quinn: Quinn and I were in the same class for 1st-8th grade, but we went to different high schools. She considers me her best friend (or so she says) but she’s too superficial for us to truly connect. We go to the same Irish Step Dance School together.
School schedule: My high school has a block schedule, which means that on one day, I have my 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th period classes, each an hour long (hence why its called an odd day). Obviously, the other day is an even day, and they alternate back and forth.
My site which I have my cartoon dollz on. I’m constantly fiddling with it, as it’s never perfect.
WP: aka Warrior Period. Half of my lunch period is spent sitting in a classroom with Liz, Britta, Jennifer, Lindsay, Goldie and many other folks doing absolutely nothing. It’s basically like a homeroom, but it’s in the middle of the day.
Yenny: That would be me, Jenny, although Britta has decided to call me Yiddle Yenny the Yipper Yipkema instead. I’m a 16 year old junior at EWHS, located about an hour north of Seattle, Washington. I’m 5’3 and 5/8” with very long, wavy brown hair and chameleon eyes (I have pics, but they’re on friends view). I consider myself an intelligent, talented, sarcastic, cynical individual who has yet to have discovered her purpose in life. I’m the trombone section leader in jazz band, a full IB candidate and a geek extraordinaire. If you want to find me, don’t call my house--- IM me :D