What character in Monty Python and the Holy Grail are you? brought to you by
Quizilla The KHG Pictionary Party starts in a few minutes, and I have yet to have downloaded Shockwave. Arr... And apparently, neither has Brian. So the party's going to be late, and we're going to get yelled at again. Oh well.
I'm really excited about the domain, my check goes in the mail today. The only problem is that while I can draw a really pretty potential layout for it on paper, they aren't turning out that way on the computer :\ Maybe one day my muse will return. But on top of that, I'm also going to get (later this month) the domain name that I almost got for myself. Liz and I were going to make a mockumentary of her growing illegal catnip and we were going to pretend it was pot and the whole thing was going to be quite humorous. Well, we're thinking about maybe just taking pictures of it and uploading it to the internet with commentary. And then, of course, we'd have to run a very cynical newsblog and do some random photos and commentary. This is going to rock :)