Today has been nice. I woke up relaxed, went into the kitchen, made some coffee, and just sat by the window for a while talking with my parents. Around 11 I decided to organize the pile of papers that has been on my desk for more than two months. I transferred all the college letters to a folder that previously held, among other things,
"Channel One News is a very important asset to students of Hewitt Trussville Middle School. It provides vital information about current events that most students otherwise would not have access to. Middle-school aged students have very busy schedules and these busy schedules make it very hard on us to get the new information we need about what is going on in our world today. Now, more than ever, it is important for us to know what is going on in the War on Terror as well as events happening in our own country.
Though character education is very important, we believe that character education through Andy Griffith and school-made videos possibly could be taught in some other way that does not minimize our awareness of current events. Channel One News is very vital to us.
Below is a list of people that believe and agree that Channel One News is an asset to our classrooms and want Channel One News to be restored to its original schedule and be shown as often as possible during homeroom. "
--me, on a petition we wrote in seventh grade to get Channel One back on during homeroom. We got 232 signatures and eventually presented it to the principal. I can't believe I still have every one of those petition sheets. Courtney, Molly, Rachel Judith--you guys remember that? Ha, it makes me laugh.
I also read up on the Ladder Theory. Ha, that's pretty funny stuff. And mostly true, I'll admit.
So now I return to my homework, but I'll leave on this note...
Haha...Cork....the mother hen. With many chicks. Hot chicks.
In the car..with John the pimp. uh. yeah.
Yeah's Rachel and it logically follows they're hysterical.
Well it's the group. Tiny picture. Silly photobucket.
This is my favorite...don't really know why. Anyway, Lauren, Jud, Me.