We're almost juniors, guys. Our days at IB without massive stress are over. On to orals and IA's and and....ah well, we'll survive.
So here it is:
Well, we'll start with last summer: Degas ballerinas! Heh, that was a fun performance...
Solo. I'm sort of sad I'm not doing one this year...then again...
Oh no...then somewhere along summer's way I (we) discovered....the camera.
Mulalay and I had some good times...eating cookies and having photoshoots...
There's the barbie car we hijacked in the sam's parking lot
Nebraska again....I can't believe we're not going this year....
Oh how sweet. The couple. New Year's. heh.
My sister is a dork.
Building ze house...
Delirium at the iceskating rink...heh, we won't forget that...
And fights in the BSC parking lot!!
Cork's weirdness (and gorgeousness...molly and i say die, courtney...)
Aw. yay, i love these girls. they are my home skillets.
i especially love this home skillet.
and these...uh.....home...'s?? haha, i don't know, i just love you guys too
oh..."tell me what you wanna know!"
smirks...at hardcore shows...cause you know, i'm so hardcore like that. check out the black and white checker purse in the background. mmmhmm.
some girl from some show in new york. i was going to put some more pictures from new york on here, but the files are too big for my patience.
haha, so all the credit for this one goes to connie. but i just couldn't resist putting this on here...ahh...good times with theatre...(people)...
a tribute to my formerly straight-every-day hair...and of course "linnea is so hardcore" --rachel
This is a classic..."hold my foot!" good times at ramundo's
this is a classic, too, even if it's from 2003 (contrary to the date on the picture)
this is a tribute to starbucks nights with cork, mowwies, and ramundo....which will continue, but still...
more iseskating insanity! i am, in fact, linnea.
a tribute to my discovery of this artist
blurry pictures from rachel's phone....
ramundo says "linnea, you are so weird. i love you though. but please, enough of the random pictures." bye!
p.s. I stole this from Kait, but since it's the end of the year....
Comment anonomously with an inside joke that you and I share. We'll see how long it takes me to figure out who you are. (Note: you can submit more than one joke.)
onto....2005-2006. mm.