008; IC Meme

May 22, 2009 03:12

[ kade is propped up in his computer chair, typing away. he's a little late in catching a ride on the bandwagon. he'll just assume his invitation was lost in the mail. ]

Ten Things I Wish I Could Say To Ten Different People:

1. What the hell is wrong with your hair?
2. Idiot. Sums up most the folk here.
3. Bitch. That's all the effort you'll ever be worth. Realize that. Maybe if you looked good I'd make the effort to see if there's anything else to you besides the bitching. Too bad you look like pickled ass.
4. I miss waking up in a puddle of your drool.
5. I don't like the things you make me think about. That shit ain't right.
6. Keep your idiot nose out of other folk's business. Goddamn, you're annoying. Buzzing around at all hours, looking for business that ain't yours.
10. This is stupid. I'm done.

Nine Things About Me

1. Chicken farmer, likely the best you'll know.
2. I can't swim.
3. I don't like stink (get enough of that from the chicken shit), so I shower a lot.
4. I'm good at carpentry since I build all my own coops.
5. I love slaughtering chickens, cause I imagine that they're people I can't stand. What's better than lopping the heads off a bunch of clucking bitches that you can't stand? When I got back home I named a few chickens after that Aly girl for this reason.
6. I like cooking for people if I like them enough.
7. I love huge tits because I like to get my head lost in them. It's comforting. If milk squirted from them I'd be in absolute, suckling heaven. If eggs squirted from them, I'd have breakfast.
8. I'm nicer than a lot of folk care to realize.
9. I'm real cheap. My truck is ten layers deep in rust, but as long as it runs I'm happy.

Eight Ways To Win My Heart

1. Tits. Massive, luscious ones that jiggle.
2. Won't laugh at me in bed.
3. Won't try to take my place in the kitchen.
4. Won't demand that I express how I "feel" every fucking day.
5. No bitching.
6. Doesn't mind that I might not wanna coo and cuddle after each time we thump.
7. Takes the time to get to know me before writing me off as this or that.
8. Does my laundry. I hate sorting that shit.

Seven Things That Cross My Mind A Lot

1. Chickens.
2. Eggs.
3. Tits.
4. Eating chicken or eggs.
5. Renewing subscriptions to titty magazines.
6. New things to google.
7. My penis.

Six Things I Do Before I Fall Asleep (in approximate order)

1. Drink.
2. Smoke.
3. Watch TV.
4. Spend some time with the lady on page five.
5. Shower. Teeth brushing.
6. Get in bed.

Five People That Mean A Lot To Me

5. Addison's tits.

Four Things I'm Wearing Right Now

1. Wife beater
2. Jeans
3. Boxers.

Three Songs I've Been Listening To Way Too Often Lately

3. Kris Allen on the Youtube

Two Things I Want To Do Before I Die

2. Thump a woman of every race. Nipples come in so many colors.

One Confession

1. I ain't putting that on the internet. People can find anything with the googles. You'd never guess what fisting really means.

[ after finishing the meme he pulls up AIM and sends a derogatory instant message nao's way. probably something about being a fat minority. ]

!ic, the meaning of fisting you, !open

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