Memes and more

Sep 15, 2008 21:27

Because I was tempted by the unknown...

1. This seems to be true of a number of friends, but I guess meitachi or darkeyedwolf wins.
2. julzbat
3. Although I am often insanely jealous of artistic talent, I can't really think of anyone this would be true for.
4. julzbat
5. Kinda forochel (What else can one call the spam wars?)
6. Probably windyhurrice
7. I don't know...maybe darkeyedwolf
8. lady_sith
9. lil_blossom (and sometimes do in fact).
10. (Do I know this about people?) meggiebaby81
11. ongakuichiban with bands, anyway.
12. I'm really bad at regarding people this way, so "NEXT" (otherwise, probably everyone).
13. darkeyedwolf in a seems to own a corner of the internet kind of way.
14. *flips coin* lil_blossom
15. forochel ...just because...
16. Ummm...either danii06 or qem_chibati
17. julzbat when she's high.
18. ongakuichiban
19. julzbat wins this (although she needs to learn the word no...and maybe delegate)
20. sekotsim and lady_sith We scarily match on occasion.
21. Erm...I'm sort of blind to these personality traits.
22. Ditto
23. Err, no one, although there are a few I quite often end up playing follow-the leader for hooking me into things *cough*kasugai_gummie sekotsim*cough*
24. *shrugs* It totally helps being on the other side of the world from people.
25. kasugai_gummie (=must steer clear zone when busy)Or is this more bribery?
26. Ba-bum. Strikeout.
27. So many...
28. julzbat Is always enjoyable. *fingers crossed* November November
29. Zip-zero-zadda-zilch...unless you mean play date?
30. Maybe I should get to know more people on the internet...? But I squeezed lots of you into slots anyway.
*huggles everyone*

In other news...yes I know I still fail at updating. I've picked up more work shifts and am starting to try and pull together my project outline for my honours. Also banging my head against the idiosyncrasies of computers (particularly those which run windows OS on top of the apple OS) *sighs* (9hours straight today with only minor progress)
I'm around on occasion...and occasionally manage to reply to people's posts.

But I still love you all.
I swear!

news, meme

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