Insommnia attack.

Jan 14, 2004 23:41

Okay, I didn't realize how many people read this. Damned law of unintended consequences. As I said, I was tired, pissed off, and in a bad mood. I exaggerated somewhat, and I didn't intend to say most of it. I'm going to delete this and offer an apology, considering that Luke is still my friend. Sorry about that, man. Let's just let it drop.

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Comments 5

serenity777 January 15 2004, 09:34:52 UTC


Hehe shadowhawkiv January 15 2004, 20:13:51 UTC
Give me some examples, please. If you say I act like a condescending bastard, then tell me HOW I'm acting like one. Seppuku with a plastic spoon...hmmm...interesting...


Re: Hehe archaen January 16 2004, 13:08:17 UTC
No specific examples. You're like that all the time. Just ask Alex or Peter. I'll try to point it out to you when you're doing that.


lilwhiteraven January 16 2004, 15:01:50 UTC
I've been delaying on replying to this post of yours because in all actuality I have no idea what to say. I mean yeah... I'll say this though. I personally don't think your so serious and if Luke said you were I'll disagree with him. You laugh alot at the lunch table so yeah. Anyways... we all have our opinions of people, good and bad. I wanna say more but I don't know what else to say... heh... Though I don't see Luke as coming off as a condescending bastard... I dunno.... Either way I think your both cool. lol ^.^


archaen January 16 2004, 18:11:37 UTC
Okay, this is the result of being tired, pissed, and in a bad mood. I was exaggerating somewhat, like Luke was when he was bashing me. (Or if you weren't, then you have issues. It could be that we just piss each other off all the time.) I'm just going to let this drop where it is.


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