Title: Sleeping Beauty Awake (Austria's Story)
Series: The Flautist's Fairytale - Part 1
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Characters: Prussia/Austria, hinted Austria/Hungary, Germany, mentions of others
Timeline: 1938 - 1989
Warnings: WWII and Cold War talk, angst, severe historical geekery
Summary: All Austria can remember from that time is the cold,
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Comments 4
Very nice idea for a fic, very original as well! *goes to read other parts*
i love the structure >____
There's just one thing I want to mention: It's Friedrich II. not Fredrick. I know it must be hard for englishspeaking people but as I am in love with accurate history please do me the favor to change this in your notes.
Greetings from Germany.
P.S.: I never ever would call Königsberg "Kaliningrad". As my family is from Prussia I stick with the old name!^^
and was not expecting that level of heartbreak. well-played, good sir or mam.
This is amazing and poignant and Prussia ;A; He would do that, he would. I have to go and cry now, this fic is beautiful and you are beautiful.
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