Title: Hides the face, lies the snake
Characters/Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG-13/R
Warnings: Torture, Spoilers for all of S4
Summary: When the gates to Hell are opened, Dean is reunited with a part of himself that had been left behind.
Word Count: 2,601
A/N: Written for Team Heaven for the
spn_teamfic Oscar Wilde quote prompt: "Man is least himself
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Comments 15
*shudders* The imagery is too strong here. It creeps me out, which really, means you've done a fantastic job.
"Yeah, I've had a rough week. Not stopping the Apocalypse, watching my brother get bitch-ridden by Lucifer, thinking the whole time that you were dead. Good times."
That is *so* Dean. xD
Mmm, I should really watch Season 4, shouldn't I? I don't suppose none of this actually happened, right? I've only seen upto about episode 6 approx, so if Sammy's wholly gone to the darkside, well, hello spoiler. xD
I'm glad it creeped you out, and that Dean worked for you. ♥ Thank you so much for reading! ♥
I do so love your imagery in your writing. :3
Thank you about the gore and torture - it means such a lot, it's huge, that it works. Bad porn is one thing, but tacky torture is wrong on so many levels. :D ♥
It really was - but Castiel took care of it, so it's all good. :) Thank you for reading!
Thank you for sharing \o/
Castiel giving back Dean that piece of himself- interesting to read and so merciful and kind of Castiel! But at the same time wiping everything clean- I'm not certain what to think about that.
"Man, don't you ever tell anyone I said this, but you are one hell of a kisser."
The frown disappeared from Castiel's face, and if Dean hadn't known better, he'd have thought the angel was preening. Which he totally was. "I won't tell anyone."
Thanks for making me smile <3- and it was a good kiss, Cas *smishes him* <3
My intention wasn't to have everything wiped clean, exactly. Part of what inspired this was wondering how much healing he'd had the first time he was raised - that there had to have been some, or he wouldn't have been able to function. He was very upset about torturing Alistair, while at the same time keeping the ability and the desire to do so.
The difference I was hoping to show was that before being healed in this fic, Dean wasn't able to really choose - and that's what Cas made better.
Thank you again - I greatly appreciate your comment!
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