so today for some reason I feel prodded enough to post something personal.
over the years I have learnt much, seen much, done much, travelled much, I am not of the world of fluff and flippery, which is perhaps why of late I have been enjoying odd moments of fluff and flippery as I have been far too serious in life. pfudor ;-p
anyways, I have met many gods, goddesses and deity type things over the years on my journeys, some I dislike with a seriousness, but most I just take the view of, they exist, and get on with whatever it is I am up to at the time, anyways of late one has come to me again who has been a constant, who asked me, who proved themselves to me and who I like, for once in my life I am attached to a god who I can say I love, that they have shown me much caring and have brought much to me, sometimes unseen,
anyways today I talk about loki (again), the oft misunderstood and too often mislabelled one, so snorri, a troublesome source at times, how to not get yourself chopped up by the mad xtian society of mediaeval Europe while also giving a framework for historical prose, centred in the pre xtian religions and also source of very recent at the time resistance, simple change the tales slightly to fit in with the new system, so we have a god guy a bad guy, a jesus and a devil figure, and of course those who take snorri too seriously and quote it like a bible word for word, um, why do they seem to miss out the bit where he says it is all because of the Trojans and it is a load of illusional hooey? but of course loki is the devil anyways they say, just a thought,
anyways there are more sources than snorri, but that is historical material, I don't just read I also do, so why would I commit myself to a god, who I have only read of, who hasn't come to me in person, who hasn't asked. I wouldn't, priests and the whole system of intercession with gods and deities has always been a bit suspicious in its more modern sense, due to those crazy xtian church ideas which have been inculcated, that there is a barrier between the people and their deities only negotiable by an intermediary who can parrot back words, well, a deity who cant communicate with you if they really want is a dubious one, a priestly class who are exclusionist are a bit suspicious as well, but that's my view, I stray from the point a little.
loki, has proved himself to me, many times in many ways, has earned my love and attention, I am not average, I have walked dark roads, been places I wouldn't like to reflect upon, but still there is one in my life who I care for, because they mean something to me in a real way, not just an abstract way, fear loki? no I don't fear loki, could he seriously screw me up or chop me into little bits, um yes, but that is not likely, confusing the issues of wether something or someone could be dangerous to an enemy and wether your relationship with them is built on fear, no I build not on fear, not on demand, not on subjugation or any negativeness, but I build on being asked, of being cared for and cared about, of caring in return, I am not a god but I am free to choose, and I chose loki because he asked, he respected, because he cared, not everyone gets on with loki, but I do.
so a phrase that went around which is still amusing, what do you call someone who marries a god?
answer= a nun. a simple observation of something people don't even blink at until you change it from the expected social role of a middle eastern grump pot, to a different one.
me a nun? well I'm just not in the habit. but it is a formal recognition, a bonding, a statement, coming from the oldest of statements, not of reproduction of humanity in a societally accepted pair bonding manner, but of a statement of acceptance, of bonding of lines, of something more, my wyrd and energy have changed of late, I am open to one who I care for, who has my heart and my self, anyways, a nun? me? um not quite, seems far too drab, and I do get prodded by loki when I get a bit too smiley and dreamy to get back to doing something else, though I am sure the idea of a lot of nuns mooning over him or at him may get him to smile, what changes this in the world, my having accepted the troth of a god in my life and having given it in return?
not a lot really, it is just me, on my journey, having accepted one who I care for, who is now a part of me as I am a small part of them, I have found much in loki, sometimes I ponder what he finds in me, loki seems to be a god of edges, of in-betweens of liminals and the damaged, me I am an inbetween I am an edge I am liminal, I have been damaged, but also I asked him once and got a vaguely straight answer, or as straight an answer as one can get, you seem to collect many, do you have many like me, a general not really and a number around 7, so that wasn't illuminative of much, but I am valued in my own way by loki, though I do ponder the issues of self, where I have self issues, it appears many do, but I am shown only affection by loki, he can be a grump at times and has many moods as all do, not everything will be sweet all the time, lest the taste grow sour, but there is a point to it, there is a lesson in it, there is something to look at or to overcome within it, and even though I may be upset, I may not want to look at things, that I may cry and be sad, I know that I still have the love of the one who is my guide and is helping me on my journey.
so a god and a husband, how does that work? a good question, ask a nun ;-)
for me there is a different feel at the same time, a different aspect and reflection, different versions yet the same, anyways,
I am no fluff bunny or hippy, nor unthinking person, I am not a marvel fangirl, though I do watch agents of shield because it is amusing, I am not a teenager, nor am I one who has not had many choices in life, I was given a choice by loki, I didn't answer for a long while, when I did I had thought about it seriously, a lifetime, not a spur of the moment decision.
anyways I like loki, I love him dearly, do I believe all that snorri wrote? no, do I believe him a devil, no, I have met devils, do I believe him a saint, um no,
what do I believe him to be, generally misunderstood, historically cast as a devil figure by snorri for snorri's own purposes, do I believe the baldr= jesus stuff, certainly not, look to saxo for the answer, do I think that loka tattur is a more reflective story, yes, but then again that is just me, loki isn't for everyone.
anyways, hail to loki, my well met one,