supercops: the calling;

May 01, 2010 13:49


s t r i n g s ( n o a h c o l e ) .
noneattached . ( human, meta, 23 )
can take complete physical control over the bodies of other humans, sometimes more than one at the same time
Noah Cole stopped being Noah Cole the day he left home and has never regretted it. A boy with an inherent desire for close family born into a neglectful one, he left home at a very young age and bounced around for a few years on his own. Time spent living nowhere in particular, sometimes without much money or a roof, taught him to be tough on the outside, but it didn't take away his more basic qualities: thoughtfulness, a gentle spirit, readiness to put others before himself. When he met Vector, he got a chance to build a family of his own as Vector's second-in-command. He's the listening ear and the emotional backbone of the gang, and he loves them all fiercely, though at the end of the day he gravitates to those like Wither and Vector who, like him, are a little thoughtful themselves.


u v ( d a m o n j a c o b s ) . makelightof . ( human, meta, 19 )
can manipulate photons as well as the electromagnetic spectrum
At one time, Damon lived in Skokie with his parents and two elder brothers and his dad dreamed he'd make the soccer team in high school. But a quiet suburban life was always a little too quiet for Damon and when puberty set in, so did the fights and the tattoos, the occasional impulse to wear his mom's shoes, and the glow under his skin that it took a while to control. Who knows how he would've ended up if he hadn't met someone like him, someone he could take off with. Now UV doesn't bother stopping impulses when they start. He just goes with them. It might've made his short temper even shorter than it used to be, it might get him into even more trouble than before, but it's definitely more fun.

f o x ( m a x v e g a ) .
justfoxed . ( human, meta, 20 )
can shapeshift into any animal presently alive on earth but not into other humans
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas euismod quam et eros pellentesque feugiat lacinia arcu dapibus. Maecenas convallis posuere blandit. Praesent vitae nisl turpis. Maecenas metus magna, mattis ultrices accumsan vel, iaculis a urna. Etiam ipsum quam, volutpat quis aliquet nec, vulputate molestie dui. Sed vestibulum ligula a leo semper pellentesque. Maecenas egestas pretium erat id tincidunt. Vivamus varius, lacus ut vestibulum lacinia, elit massa fringilla turpis, ac egestas velit risus quis magna. Suspendisse tempor, elit at gravida rhoncus, nisi nulla rutrum tortor, at eleifend mauris diam vel velit. Integer pretium dignissim blandit. Curabitur molestie leo quis massa scelerisque ac luctus neque cursus. Cras odio eros, pharetra eget molestie eu, pharetra in tellus. Curabitur mi nisi, adipiscing at porta nec, tincidunt at ligula. Vestibulum a enim odio. Etiam id tempor augue. Vestibulum ac massa odio, sit amet luctus metus. Phasellus quis augue sit amet est cursus ullamcorper. Pellentesque nec volutpat ipsum. Proin pulvinar lobortis ultrices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eget dolor diam, sit amet ornare lectus. Nam blandit.

c: strings, v: supercops, c: max vega, c: damon jacobs, !characters

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