Sheet music/tablature sites face legal crackdown. In short, sheet music/tablature sites in the United States beware -- the Music Publisher's Association might send lawsuits your way.
MPA president Lauren Keiser said he wanted site owners to be jailed
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Comments 8
Some kid grabbing the tabs for Stairway to Heaven can't be hurting them that much. Geeeeeeez.
I was really taken aback at the "put them in jail" bit. They want to jail kids for putting up music tabs that they interpreted themselves? Yes, that would so make society better~~~~
Can the MPA actually do that? People freely quote from song lyrics all the time. It's not like the words are trademarked. A lot of songs don't even INCLUDE the official lyrics in the CD booklet. And unofficial guitar tabs or piano scores -- I've never heard it was a violation of copyright to make your OWN arrangements of the sheet music. Certainly musicians in the industry cover EACH OTHER's songs, and that's perfectly legal without them going crazy with citations/credits/royalties. Such bull5h1t.
"The Xerox machine was the big usurper of our potential income"'s obvious they're just greedy money mongers trying to wring what they can from the current legal climate.
Related to what you said about official lyrcis is something I forgot to say -- if I wanted to make tabs of say, hard to get video game or anime songs, does that mean I need to go through the proper authorities first? Some songs don't even HAVE official transcriptions.
Greedy bastards.
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