The Progress of Sherlock Holmes, by ivyblossom
Carte Blanche by ivyblossom
Just... just so well written, and beautifully tender, and meticulously plotted, and so goddamn spot on with the characterizations. She has this crystal-clear vision of the dynamic between John and Sherlock -- it's like the unified field theory of fanfic.
What lurks below may be considered TMI. In chronological order, latest to earliest:
To: evilenabler
From: arcsupport
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fic rec
Okay. Just finished whole thing. My heart had an orgasm too.
To: evilenabler
From: arcsupport
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Fic rec
To: arcsupport
From: evilenabler
8 minutes ago
Subject: Re: Re: Fic rec
Sorry. Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.
Not so sorry, really.
I know. I KNOW. This story. Oh god. THIS STORY. One of the first I read in this fandom and yeah. It's my...undoing, really. I've read it so
many times now. Something about the first person POV and the vulnerability and the tenderness and uncertainty and oh god. The hot hot
hot sex.
And yes, fantasy sex in the Sherlock fandom will forever and ever eclipse whatever actual sex may be out there, unless it's actual sex
with actual BC, or MF, or god, both of them together?
To: evilenabler
From: arcsupport
30 minutes ago
Subject: Re: Fic Rec
Okay, I think I had an orgasm, hands free, fully clothed, sitting in my chair, from reading Chapter 15.
Also, my will to write temporarily annihilated again.
To: arcsupport
From: evilenabler
3 hours ago
Subject: Fic rec
Two stories you must read, if you haven't already, both by ivyblossom on AO3:
The Progress of Sherlock Holmes, by ivyblossom
Helpless by ivyblossom