Title: Imaginary
Author: Arccie
Fandom: Fafner
Genre: gen with angst
Pairing: light Soushi/Kazuki
Summary: Kazuki waits.
Author notes: An exercise in 15 minutes...which took me 4 hours to bother to write. *smacks self* I am hopeless. Just a drabble to play with a writing style idea.
SnF...curently captivating my semi-angst muse )
Comments 8
well written =)
it portrays lonliness well..when you start imagining the presence of the other..
I'm never too sure what the best way is too set out a short piece of writing.
I'm sure Kazuki would be extremely lonely without Soushi even if he is surrounded by others, and I think you're most lonely when you almost believe the other person is there only to find yourself alone.
o.o Anyway, I like it, the feeling is all over every word ^^U.
Sorry my nonsense commnent, but it is like I feel it ^_^
See you, and love your fics :D
You do seem to have picked up on my intent...where the number of words is paired but to the crux of the matter so the emotion hits home directly rather than being filtered by other descriptions and stuff.
Your comment is not nonsense at all, and it's great to get feedback on how my fics make people feel.
I'm slowly working my way into more fandoms, so I hope I'll have a few more out soon for you to read and enjoy.
See you around.
Anyway, seems like you have intent so many styles on yours fics ^__^
I will keep my eyes on your work, you have caught my attention :D
You are welcome :D
And... see you arounf too ^_^
PS: Did I say you that you avatar is pretty funny? XD
waiting is painful, especially if you don't know (or are not sure of) what you're waiting for. Just like Beckett's Waiting for Godot, no? but of course, Kazuki knows because it's Soushi, it's them, it's their promise, and that's all that matters. ^^
I friend you; hope you don't mind. if you do, please let me know. ^^
I am unfortunately all too able to imagine Kazuki traipsing around the island in a state of limbo as he waited for Soushi, and all of his friends would be trying to get him to move on, but "Soushi promised" so Kazuki will believe in him and wait.
Can't say I've read Waiting for Godot, but waiting really is one of the most hossible sensations. You can't fully hope, because there is no certainty, and you can't fully grieve because there is still hope.
The more friends the merrir as far as I'm concerned. :)
I hope you don't mind that I'll friend you with my second, personal journal arccie
*friend you back* 'course i dun mind!
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