to do.

Jun 22, 2007 10:33

things i shall do, or aspire to do over the course of the summer season ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

haloless_angel June 22 2007, 17:25:45 UTC
i would be willing to do some of those things with you. and as for the first item, i have done that before against my will and i assure you it was not at all fun. granted, i was on an airplane for about 19 of the hours...


arcticpoodle June 23 2007, 19:36:47 UTC
how about some good old fashioned needles in your limbs?
eh, eh?
or the zoo, you and liz-beth would be good zoo buddies.


evilz13 June 24 2007, 14:22:12 UTC
what zoo were you thinking of going to?


arcticpoodle June 25 2007, 00:35:35 UTC
the bronx zoo yo.
i will bring my ammunition
and shoot me up some pandas.


pouletinbondage June 22 2007, 17:34:06 UTC
concert. come to under byen with me?

guitar. want to guitar with me? i write songs. they are bad. i still can't play F chords, but i can do E7s. they are pretty.

staying awake for 24 hours. that is what college is for!


arcticpoodle June 23 2007, 19:38:55 UTC
under byen sounds like it may involve goats and trolls.

E7's are all brrlllaaaanggaaaah. good sound.

and that it why i must practice now.


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