Title: Filming
Rating: R-NC-17
Paring: OT5 (2Min, OnJongKey)
Length: 2,239 words
Author's Note: Written for the contest over at
shineesmut . The prompt "Filming" with pairing "OT5". (except they haven't put me on the list of participants, yet Dx)
Also dedicated to my RP Heechul :3
When I told my mom I wanted to be a director, I never told her what kind… )
Comments 23
Now write me porny Wonki! :D
...I didn't expect this to be the entry you comment on xD
I will try O:
*tries to think of ides*
Well, I used to read everything you wrote, and now I never read anything, so I thought I should say something. And looking at those pictures of Spooky makes me want to cry T____T I miss him already. Just thinking about scratching his little head...GAH! I'M MAKING MYSELF CRY!! T______T
How about a prompt? Will a prompt help? I know our conversations aren't as crazy-epic as your chat's, but I'm sure we've done -something- cracky in the past few weeks. Maybe...modern dancing? Or...standing on the desks in the middle of the night? Or...<.< I don't know.
I just didn't think you'd want to read it because it was SHINee ):
But it makes me happy that you liked it <3
Hmm...I don't think any of those are porn-inducing prompts D: But I'll try to think of something <3
Dubu~! This was delicioussss, and pretty much made my life. I loved getting my Jongyuuu, and I didn't even mind that there was so much Key all over that, as your description was hot as shit.
Love iiiit.
Nevermind that though.... O-M-G. The 2Min and the OnKeyHyun..... akskdkasdka goodness this was greatly done =O=!!!! I was kind of craving for smex and you come with this and make my day *almost night* so THANK YOU.
If you have more I don't mind. At all.
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