Sherlock (BBC verse)
Extraordinary (Sherlock/John, PG)
You Can Imagine the Christmas Dinners (Sherlock/John, 15)
Abhorring the Dull Routine of Existence (Sherlock-John pre, PG)
Two-shot (Gen, PG)
#3patchproblems (Sherlock/John, PG)
Sherlock in Verse (Gen, G)
We Get On (Sherlock/John, fanvid)
An Arbitrary Celebration of Staying Alive for Another Year (Gen/pre-slash, Sherlock/John, PG)
Lolitics (RPF)
Openness & Transparency (Mandy/Gids, Nick/Dave, 15)
Le Plaisir du Texte (Nick/Dave, PG-13)