Name: Lauren
Age: sixteen
Sex: female
Location: walnut creek
Favorite Bands/Musical People :led zepplin, pink floyd, the who, queen, the doors, the beatles- all those oldies- they're the classics- gotta love em!
Least Favorite Bands/Musical People: rap- i hate it.
Favorite Movies: now and then, willy wonka and the chocolate factory, fried green tomatoes, and .. i forget one...
Least Favorite Movies: lord of the rings- im sorry to all of you who like it i just cant get into it!!
Favorite Books: night and catcher in the rye
Least Favorite Books: gossip girl kinda books
Thoughts on Gay Marriage: you cant stop who you love. my uncle is gay and i think it is wrong the way people treat him. he is just like anyone else walking down the street except.. if your a guy he might look at you.. lol.. i think gay marriage is fine. they are human beings too and can have just the same amount of love and care for someone as straight people can.
Thoughts on Teen Pregnancy: personally- i would rather not be pregnant in my teenage years- i dont know many people who would- but if your going to have unprotected sex be ready for the consequences.
Thoughts on your government: i dont like bush. i think the war is a waste of time and is killin too many innocent people. we did what we needed to do there, now its time to stop killing people. our government has too much of a power strike. they cant rule the world. we have no right to go into another country and say this is what we want and this is how your going to do it.
Thoughts on the War in Iraq: ^ thats pretty much it...
Thoughts on the use of drugs & alcohol: i think they are fine as long as you dont push your limits and you dont get addicted to them. occasionally isnt bad. if thats what your into than do it, just dont be stupid about it.
Thoughts on Abortion: kinda like my teen pregnancy answer. if ur gonna have unprotected sex be ready for the consequences. but if we are being honest i guess i am sort of a hypocrite on some level regarding this question because i wonder... if i got pregnant- i wouldnt be able to go through with the birth. i just couldnt. therefore wouldnt i get an abortion? i admire all those girls who have the courage to go through with it. im just not one of them- that im not proud of... lets just hope i wont have to think bout that lol.
Thoughts on Terrorism: theres no point to it. someone scares or threatens us- we will scare or threaten them back. its a whole vicous cycle in killing and being unkind to eachother. theres no point to it.
Thoughts on Ovens: ovens--- im not good with them lol. last nite tried to make a pizza- i forgot to put the timer on and i totally forgot about the pizza. when i remembered it was too late and the pizza was long burnt. tear. there goes my pizza craving. buuuuut otherwise, ovens are very convienant.
Anything else? mmm... not really. sorry if this was a boring app. not much i can say but answer the questions... if you wanna know anything more about me just ask! thanks! here are some pictures...