Ficlet : Everything You Ever Need

Feb 24, 2020 20:17

Title: Everything You Ever Need
Author: eviltwin
Fandoms: Supernatural RPS AU, Smoke&Lightning 'Verse.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki.
Rating: PG.
Wordcount: 1,554
Summary: Matt realises a dream of his own, then is allowed to let another come true.
Disclaimer: None of the following is true in any way, and no profit is made from this work of ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

batman_mcghee February 24 2020, 20:45:01 UTC
Literally the best schmoopy parents in the world.

Adore!! Thank you so much


mdlaw February 24 2020, 21:59:19 UTC

I love these guys.  I'm so happy when I see them pop up.   m.  :)


zara_zee February 25 2020, 01:59:10 UTC
Awwww!!! So great to see the kids a little bit older too. :)


calijirl5150 February 25 2020, 02:27:09 UTC
You made a rough day great . Thanks so much.


pollyspn February 25 2020, 09:13:11 UTC
My favorite family is back! Thank you!!


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