To continue with my trend of "rl, what rl?", let's skip all the house moving drama, the movie seeing experience (omg ç___ç) and the work related stuff and focus on other, way more exciting things like the fact that TODAY IS DANGER DAYS DAY! :D
Now, what I planned to do today to celebrate this most joyous event was to listen to DD on repeat all day long. Of course
angelgazing had other ideas and said "I think maybe Danger Days should be celebrated with killjoy art. NAME YOUR PRICE? :D?" I was very tempted to ask her to finish one of her WIPs, but it has been established that
angelgazing and I work best when we start from the same source material, and so my price was "Write me a killjoy drabble from the kid's pov!" I SUPPOSE THIS DRABBLE WILL BE COMING VERY SOON TO A COMPUTER SCREEN NEAR YOU
THE DRABBLE IS HERE! "The Same Old Story"! GO READ IT NOW OMG!. In the meantime, here is my part of this fabulous bargain
There is also a
bigger version available :)