Title: The Bee Charmer
Fandom - Pairings: Bandom - Brendon+Spencer
Rating: G
Notes: So... this is my contribution to
bandomreversebb. I drew this back when I started watching Grimm and thought Brendon would be an amazing Pied Piper... except the original story didn't lend itself to be very cute, so I made him charm bees instead of mice because magical honey was bound to make everything sweeter :)
Lots of love to dearest Smunchkin for pointing at flaws while I was drawing and saving me from wasps gone berserk <3
I kinda got extremely lucky with the claiming :)
kisforkurama garabbed my prompt, worked actual magic on it and wrote the most delightful, brilliant story. I am still beaming like fool over it, it is that charming.
How Spencer Smith Opened His Eyes and Learned to Love the Magic by
kisforkuramaGo read it and be amazed!
Hopping between here and
http://aredblush.dreamwidth.org/85502.html Feel free to comment wherever you please :)