interview and mini road trip

Aug 24, 2008 23:08

I left Bakersfield Tuesday afternoon for Oakland. I crashed at a friends house, and due to the long drive and interview nerves I barely slept. Before I left Bakersfield, I knew I wanted to not go straight home, I was debating between going to Santa Cruz or going to Arcata (humboldt). I found a guy on craigslist looking for a ride from Berkeley to ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

dfynggrvty15 August 25 2008, 19:37:42 UTC
What an...adventure. Lol. You're much braver than I. I don't think I'd ever pick someone up from craigslist! It sounds like your "interview" did go well though. I think all people who interview show very few emotions/reactions. It's unnerving, but hey, we're just starting out, and we show them what we can! Glad you made it back home safely.


aredspree August 26 2008, 03:42:30 UTC
Thanks for the props. It was quite a little five day adventure, and if I get any more interviews I will hopefully plan them around little mini adventures as well. I hope the City of Hope job works out, I am getting tired of when people asking me what I do, I reply "nothing but wait around for the California budget to pass so I can get a job", at least when I was a student it was SOMETHING that sounded productive/meaningful


halasf February 17 2013, 14:12:34 UTC
I'm alone and online Go Here


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