>> You should tell her. <<
<< Fine. >>
Arekoth's Ledge
This narrow ledge is longer than it is wide, fanning out on either side of the entrance into the weyr. The stone has been deeply scored by the passage of countless dragons over the turns. Its location is optimal; natural outcroppings of the bowl wall keep the wind from raking the ledge's surface and the sun reaches the rock to heat it for most of the day.
It's not a good day for Miniyal today. Which means it's not a good day for Peloth either, but unlike her rider the gold doesn't let that stop her from doing things. Like visit her favorite brown to share a nice sunny spot. Being a nice guest Peloth sends a little mental nudge before she arrives on the ledge belonging to the brown. Of course she has to buzz the ledge first. He gets to see her streak straight up before coming to almost a full stop and then dropping straight down to hover on the ledge. << You have a good spot right now. Share? >> A formality. Like she doesn't know he won't share.
His rider relieved of duty (as per his request), Arekoth has nowhere particular to be today. Well-fed, freshly bathed and oiled, the brown is content enough tow atch the world go by on the ledge, while offering the occasional word or two of advice to H'kon, who, in the weyr, is packing up those things that can yet be packed. The streak of a gold catches the brown's attention, and his head lifts. A rumbled admiration for the aerial moves comes along with his draggong himself a bit more to one side - careful of the foot. << Of course. You can even have the sunnier spot. >> The rider may have no sense of hosting, but here Arekoth distinguishes himself from H'kon once again.
Peloth's sense of being a good guest doesn't extend to leaving her rider behind. Which really only makes her flying that much more impressive. At least in her mind. << I cannot stay long. It was their day. She will not let me. >> And there is something of apology in her tone at having brought her along to begin with. For her part, Miniyal waits patiently for Peloth to land before climbing down less than gracefully. She lingers near the entrance to the weyr clearly not wanting to go inside. Still, she is out of the way as Peloth curls up in the sunnier spot after stretching her neck to headbutt the brown with affection.
Arekoth returns that headbutt - when can he not? - before getting himself settled once more. It takes three or four rounds of picking up the leg and putting it back down until he's satisfactorily comfortable, but with his friend on the ledge, the requirement seems more distraction than frustration. << You should stay at least a while. It's a perfect day for this ledge. >> After a while, H'kon does indeed surface, having been alerted to the presence of another biped. An innate will to bristle at someone being so close to his personal space isn't quite fought back, but he does manage a dip of his head, a greeting of, "Weyrling."
The settling of the leg is watched by Peloth and her rider. Once the leg is settled the gold whips her tail out to smack against Arekoth's. << It bothers you. That is not good. I am sorry. >> As best she can with the space given her tail swishes back and forth slowly. << We will stay awhile. I like this spot. >> Miniyal was, likely, hoping to not have to actually converse. Not spared that she just nods her head. "H'kon." He gets no title. Although she surely hasn't heard anything. Not the day after the transfer was requested. She also might have the faintest odor of wine about her.
Arekoth flicks out his own tail to offer Peloth a smack right back. Affectionate, entirely. << It's not so bad. I'm very strong. >> The rider is not in such a hurry to make any conversation. Miniyal is accorded a careful look, however (maybe the man has a good nose), before H'kon's attention goes to his dragon. An upward lift of his chin toward the fiery brown. And Arekoth gives Peloth's tail another thwack, emanating quite the sharp sadness. He's been reminded.
If he doesn't want to talk Miniyal will content herself with twisting her ring around on her finger and staring off at nothing at all. Peloth looks at the leg in question as her tail stops swishing briefly. Then it starts again. << You are strong. Stronger than a lot of the others. That is why I like you. >> She is content to rest comfortably with her friend until she picks up on the sadness. It must take her by enough surprise she shares it with her rider because Miniyal looks confused a moment and steals a glance at H'kon. Without speaking. << What is wrong? Did he do something to make you unhappy? We will tell him to stop. >>
H'kon presses his lips together, crossing his arms firmly over his chest. Arekoth, for his part, swivels his head to look at that young gold. << It's good you're here today. You get to see the ledge. >> Thwack. << We're going away. >> And it's at this point that H'kon tilts his face up just enough to shoot a quick and apologetic look to Miniyal, and promptly turns on his heel, and walks right back into the weyr.
He's allowed to go without a word. Miniyal's not in the mood to talk. She just slips a hand into her jacket and pulls out a flask to have a sip from it. This earns her a look from the gold, but only momentarily. She then is focused on the brown she lies beside. << Away? Who said you could leave? I did not say you could leave. Who will fly with me? No one else is as good. >> Swish goes the tail, not quite touching the brown. Like a cat lazily sunning herself she lets slow swishing be her only movement. Her own sadness comes in a gentle wave that is sure to reach every spot it can. << You will come back? >>
Arekoth hop-claws his way a bit closer to that sunnier spot. Or, more rightly, to the one occupying it. Wings give a quick rustle as they resettle. The injured leg, of course, takes a bit longer to arrange. << Of course! I made him promise. He says it won't be long. >> Oh, the returned sadness is felt. The brown droops physically, head bowing a little, wings flattening out. A dragon deflated.
Poor Peloth seems to be having as bad a day as her rider now. The two of them are perfect pictures of sadness and the fact they both are likely only makes it worse. << But you will come back. She will make sure he brings you back. >> Stretching her neck out she headbutts him again. << He has to listen to her. We are graduating soon. We will make people listen to us. You will come back because I want you here and I shall get what I want. >>
A little more cautious scrabbling, and Arekoth is able to stretch out his right limb until - if she doesn't back off, anyway - the tip of a talon can come in contact with the gold hide. << I'll come back because I want to. No one will be able to fly like you, so I'll have to come back. >>
Being upset like she is Peloth is not going to move away. Instead she stops swishing her tail after it rests against one of Arekoth's back legs. << None of them fly as well as I do. None of them hunt as well as I do. I am the best at everything. But it will not be the same without you. >>
<< I'm going to learn new tricks for flying. >> The promise doesn't carry quite as much reassurance as maybe it was meant to. And that fiery brown heaves a heavy, draconic sigh. It might be noticed that, now peeking out from the entrance of the weyr, the brownrider is frowning at the scene. Or it might not. Arekoth and Peloth's bubble of tristesse is probably quite scene-stealing.
He can spy in peace because when she's not sipping occasionally from her flask Miniyal is busy watching her dragon with a worried expression. << You cannot learn new tricks unless you will teach them to me. >> Peloth has a bit of bossiness about her, but she is a queen and likes to remind others of that when she feels it is necessary. Her tail starts to swish again slowly, some order potentially restored in th world. << I will learn new tricks while you are gone. You will never be able to keep up. >>
Arekoth keeps his talon-toe right where it is, even as that tail starts moving. << I will teach you. There are lots of things I still have to teach you. That's why we'll be back. >> And there's the feeling of loss, bordering on empty. << Soon. I made him promise. >> H'kon, for his part, has managed to look away. And to Miniyal. The flask is distraction enough that the brownrider abandons any sympathetic frowning, instead springing into action, fast steps bringing him up to Miniyal, a fast hand grabbing that flask with only a little sloshing. And he - and the flask - step away for long enough that he can sniff at it. Checking the contents. Looking all furrow-browed and angry.
The contents of the flask smell alcoholic and fruity. It is, actually, a pear brandy. And losing it annoys Miniyal. Abandoning whatever misery she's been wandering around in all day she turns to glare at H'kon. "Give that back. What do you think you're doing? Give it back. Now." It is, perhaps, somewhat telling that she manages to sound in charge and not petulant when alcohol is involved. But the tone of command concerning the return of the flask is clear. << Oh. Oh, he should not have done that. Make him give it back. >> Pulled out of her own sadness Peloth stretches out again to headbutt the brown. << Please. He must not keep it. >>
"You should not be drinking this." The brownrider's nose has wrinkled, though likely not as a direct result of sniffing that brandy. And then Arekoth is given a glance. The brown has raised his head, in response to Peloth's imploring. That flask is held halfway out. H'kon hasn't found a decision yet. << He won't keep it. He's worried. >>
"The weyrlingmaster has been saying for months it is fine. So, you have no right to take it. I want it back." Miniyal steps closer and reaches for the flask. H'kon is lucky she's not the violent sort at this point or he'd likely be ducking a punch. As it is she just is going to get her drink back. << If I did not want her to have it she would not. >> Peloth still sounds worried. Worried and sad and it's a jumble underneath, but not interfering with her silvery cool voice. << Today. Today she needs it. He has no right to worry. He is leaving. >> A little harsh now, but Peloth is not happy with the man taking her friend away. << He must give it back. You do not understand. >>
H'kon's brow-furrow loses some of its edge, and he looks again to the dragon. And back to Miniyal. Who will be allowed to take hold of the flask, though H'kon isn't yet ready to release it into her full custody. "You... should try to take better care of yourself." Unnatural sounding, at the very best. << He will give it back. >>
Miniyal's eyes narrow as she watches the flask not being released. Her smile is wry and her tone sarcastic as she says, "Gosh, if you wanted to hold my hand you could have just asked." Maybe that will get him to let go. << It was their day. Today. It would have been. Or it is because it was. I am not quite sure. But she is sad. I cannot make her happy so I must be sure no one makes her sadder. Not today. >> Peloth sometimes shares more than her rider might like, but that doesn't stop her. It's for her own good after all. << I could not leave her alone. I had to bring her with me. >> Not an apology because she would never apologise for bringing her rider somewhere, but a simple statement of fact.
H'kon tilts his head down just a little, a skeptical glance sent to Miniyal as a response to that comment. "You should take better care of yourself," is repeated softly. And that flask is indeed released. And H'kon shakes his head, and stuffs his hands into his pockets, and goes to lean in the entryway of his weyr. Well then. Arekoth stays a bit more alert, head held high for now. << I don't mind her being here. He doesn't understand it. I'm glad you're here. >>
<< No one understands her. Just me. But, she does not need anyone else so that is fine. >> Peloth remains as she is with her tail swishing. Not a care in the world. Not that she'll share with just anyone. Miniyal, once she has the flask back, takes a drink before putting into one of her pockets. "Not that it's any of your damned business, but it's our anniversary. If I'm not entitled to be a little drunk on the day that will remind me as long as I live that I've lost the man I love then what's the point in ever being drunk?" It is a valid question of sorts. Peloth gradually shifts herself to be that much closer to the brown. << Are you sure you must leave? If you do not want to we can keep you here. >>
Arekoth leans in toward that young queen as she shifts, making it fully clear that he doesn't mind in the least. H'kon, from his broody lean, has looked back to Miniyal as she speaks. "Well I am sorry for your loss. I was thinking only of the other one you love." A glance to Peloth. And back to looking out to the sky, or to his feet, or wherever. << He says it will make my leg better. It's very inconvenient. >> Nevermind all the pain. << And it won't be long, or else I just wouldn't go. >>
"Sure. Everyone's sorry but no one understands." Miniyal is quite happy being miserable and oh, so sad no one understands how sad. A look is cast towards Peloth as she sighs. "She understands. Now especially I imagine." Indeed, the poor queen. So sad. So milking the sadness for all it is worth. << Are you sure he is sure? Or does he just want to take you from me. It makes sense he is jealous. I will see you soon however. If you do not come back we will come get you. >>
"No." He doesn't understand that part. At length, he will attempt to explain, "But any rider understands the other bond you have. And it should be the more important." << It's taking me away from you that is harder. He says. >> This is thought out in time with an audible little croon, a sad and eerie note. And Arekoth bumps his muzzle on the gold again.
Peloth doesn't croon back but she shifts once more to press against the brown's side and rest her tail over Arekoth's. << Yes, well, you will be back. That was said. I will be happy to see you and show you all my new tricks. I will have lots. >> She offers comfort by acting like she's not crushed. It's hard for her especially when she's dealing with a rider who is a little drunk and very upset and now mad. "What the- You have /no/ right to say something like that. None. You have no idea what I've been through. And don't you dare stand there and tell me that I don't think what I have is important." Two steps are taken towards the gold on the ledge.
The croon brings a sharp grimace from the brownrider. And it's this same grimace that is turned on Miniyal. "I did not say it to anger you," is said, sharp, curt. And Miniyal is otherwise dismissed, with H'kon's attention turning elsewhere. << And I'll have tricks to teach you, of course. I'll practice them until I see you. And then I'll come back and show you. And then we can do them together. Everyone will be jealous. >> To pick up on a recent theme.
<< I will let you learn my tricks and no one else. I will save them for you. >> Peloth rises up from where she was comfortably settled. Likely having been told that it is time to go by Miniyal. "You should be more careful in what you say then," she informs the brownrider. "We have to go. Good luck." Peloth croons now as she headbutts Arekoth gently. << You will come back. I will see you when you do. We will make everyone jealous together. >>
"You should not dismiss it offhand. What you are doing cannot be comfortable." Arekoth brushes his right toe toward Peloth once again. << We will. >> His final returned headbutt comes just as gentle, and it's grudgingly that he makes some space for the gold to take off. H'kon has closed his eyes, and turned back inside. << I promise. >>
"Tomorrow is a different day. This one hurts too much to remember is all." Miniyal turns away quickly and before she climbs up to leave she leans her head against Peloth's side. Then, after a final little croon of farewell Peloth launches herself off the ledge. << I will remember your promise. >>