Jul 20, 2008 22:04
Characters: Caim, K-na
Date: Today; right now, betch
Summary: Caim's pissed off mad about this Fountain of Youth bullshit stuff, and wants to go fuck mess some shit stuff up. K-na arrives on the scene and well...
Warnings: Caim? This is one insane muthafucka guy. I apologise beforehand if anyone gets offended. He's simply an angry, angry man... Well, an angry mute man. Friends locked for language.
He swung his sword back and forth after leaving his apartment. Back and forth. Back and forth. It was a never-ending struggle. The battle for what was considered 'good' and 'evil'. These were the same things, Caim thought, and therefore he could not distinguish between the two, nor had he ever been able to. Not back with Furiae, not with Inuart, not with Leonardo, not with Arioch, and not with Seere, or that ridiculous boy and his friends.
He growled -- well, tried to, and instead, brought his sword through the air again.
Thrown out of that damned place where the fucking 'Enquirer' is printed. I should have found that Dr. P and took him out too. A place like that can't be allowed to stay up for very long. It would be in my best interest and everyone else's if it was destroyed. Angelus, you would agree with me, wouldn't you?
And then he stopped about halfway down the corridor, trying to decide where he would go. Where could he go? He was getting a reputation that was not altogether a good one, although... it did get him rather renowned. Sort of.