yes, it snowed for approximately 20 minutes this morning.last night i went christmas shopping for my little cousins with my mom & gramma. bad idea, i ended up fighting with my mom the entire evening.i was better off staying home to sleep.i stayed home from school yesterday.i tried sleeping late, didn't work. i think my body is just so use to
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friday was the show at clark VFW. i expected to have a real bad time, turns out wasn't as bad as expected..wen't with lisa.of course..there was three fights.i hate people at shows that think they're tough shit and have to start with anyone and everyone to prove it.and later on vince came which was nice.=)work today was funny.mario the guy that
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I AM: danielle I WANT: to take a bath I HAVE: a great life I WISH: my eyes didn't hurt I HATE: bimbos I FEAR: mirrors sharks bugs I HEAR: lacey I WONDER: where the day went I REGRET: nothing I LOVE: larissa kyle brenden <3
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today was a breeze. school wasn't so bad, nothing eventful happened.after school stopped home,fed lace..then wen't to vince's.chilled there for a bit then met up with lisa & jarred.went to get somethin to eat than walked all the way to Brewer to visit shan flam! =) work this weekend, even on halloween.uhg. halloween is SUNDAY.i'm being i don't know
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hey boys and girls. work this morning i was so tired. after work lisa and i went shopping for a while then had some the mall it was so nice to see all the christmas stuff being put up.i'm gunna wait a little longer to go into Macy's..because once i get in there my life will be 100x better.i love everything about Christmas. yesterday, hung
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today went good. school, easy. we're doing this Power Point project in science, and it's so fun that it makes me look foward to school.haha =).after school hung out with lisa & vince. fun fun <3 . then worked on lots of homework. i got crazy projects due but i'm keeping up. everyone is drifting apart slowly. it's weird..but no one seems to care. i'
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