By Joshua Fialkov and Andrea Sorrentino
Let us start with the fact that Vampires exist in the DCU.
We knew this already.
I, Vampire takes this fact and runs with it.
The book itself was artfully done. A well crafted tale from beginning to end with a dark brooding art style that set a wonderfully oppressive tone.
Our Main character is apparently a very ancient Vampire who is in the middle of trying to stop the younger vampires from starting a war he feels they can not win with humanity. In a world with Superman in it how do they take over humanity?
I will admit I have one mild disappointment with this book, but that it is based on a preconceived idea I was hoping they would run with.
Seeing the New DCU is an amalgam of the Vertigo, DC and Wildstorm universes I was hoping that the Wildstorm Night Tribes would make it over and that the vamps would be that style. As far as I can tell at issue 1 they are not.
That aside, the book was great. I will definitely be continuing.