fairesthero Sephiroth still considers Zack to be his friend -the only friend he had left. So he's actually pretty upset by how Zack is reacting to his presence in Adstring, even if the signs are subtle. He has no idea what he's done... or will do, considering the nature of the place... to make Zack avoid him, so he's pretty much resigned to just give Zack the space he apparently needs and offer whatever help he can give.
mirroredecho He hasn't spoken to Cloud at all since arriving, but still manages to have CR because, for some reason unknown to him, everyone expects him to. Sephiroth just does not understand the obsession with Cloud Strife. Despite some feeling of responsibility for Strife because they'd been on the same mission, Sephiroth stayed well away when he noticed Cloud get hurt in training for exactly that reason. Too many people expect him to have too much interest in Cloud, and he's not sure he wants to go anywhere near the younger man until he understands why.
ff_red_turk Vincent has, honestly, been a relief. Someone from his own world who is actually willing to talk to him. As an ex-Turk and past Hojo victim, there a certain inherent level of understanding there. While Vincent has his mysteries, they're not the sort of mysteries that bother Sephiroth like the ones surrounding the other two.
buntails It's a little sad, but Usagi is sort of Sephiroth's replacement goldfish for Zack at the moment. She reminds him of the Zack he knew before Adstring, if the Zack he knew was blonde and a teenage girl. Overly energetic, puppyish, and unfailingly optimistic. He gave her his address, which opens him up to perky, sparkly doom and the delivering of Valentine's chocolate which he still hasn't eaten, but it also means she can find him if she gets in trouble. Which he's pretty sure she will, if she really is as much like Zack as she seems.
marsfireignite Never let it be said that Sephiroth does not know when he is not wanted. He picked up pretty damn quick that Hino Rei does not approve of his presence. He does appreciate that she gave him good information and spoke civilly to him despite it.
bunny_flower Oh god, Unohana. Well, previously, Sephiroth appreciated her politeness and her willingness to let him stay in the clinic. He had his doubts about her methods of reprimand but respected her talents as a healer and skills as a trap mistress devotion to her patients' care. After spending a week thinking she is his mother, things are liable to get a lot more complicated here.
foundtheheart CR goes here
madcuriosity CR goes here
ahandsomedevil CR goes here
If you've interacted with Seph, want to know what he thinks of you, and are not on here, drop me a note and I'll try to add you.