I have the 'Hair' monologue. I will also be doing the introduction to 'The Little Coochie Snorcher That Could', and some of the moaning (of course) in 'The Woman Who Loved To Make Vaginas Happy.' check it out: ♫ http://www.vdayboulder.blogspot.com/
How could I forget? I passed on all of the Clare Luce Booth foundation information to everyone involved with VDAY here. The Republicans at Smith were part of a national anti-VAG MOS campaign.
I had no idea that it was a national campaign. That makes me so sad. What makes me so angry is that they are using liberal rhetoric to legitimize a conservative women-bashing idea (e.g. "a woman is more than her body"... as though Eve Ensler was saying that woman are only as good as their vaginas? Bitch please, read the play). That way, you can't argue with the actual slogan, just the relevance of the slogan to the issue. GRR.
Comments 3
remember that time the smith republicans tried to pretend the show is anti-women? yeah...
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