Movie Review

Jul 19, 2008 04:37

The Dark Knight.

The best description is what was said by a movie commentator on a Christian radio station I listen to: "This is the best crafted, and best acted movie, this summer." And this was after mentioning the violence and profanity which lowered his esteem of the movie.

So I went in with high expectations.

Lets begin with the previews: The Watchmen, the new Terminator, the new Bond and The Spirit movie previews have me excited about movies again. There were other previews, but these were 4 strong previews in a row. The have the look of the Watchmen down - and I am jazzed by what I saw, The Spirit mixes film noir with Sin City, Christian Bale is the new John Connor fighting the war, and Bond looks to keep the same fresh edge it had in Casino Royal.

Then the movie started.

Iron Man was a good movie. Past tense was intended, that is how good this movie is. I won't tell you a thing about what happens, but there was applause at the end. My high expectations were met and exceeded.

If you don't like violent movies, then this movie is not for you. If you don't like comic book movies, still see this movie - it was that well acted.

Go see this movie. Be sure to see it before you bring your kids though.
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