000. OOC Player/Character Info

Jan 09, 2012 11:39

Player Name: Nikki
Player Age: 25
Contact Email: argylenkneesox@gmail.com
AIM: nikkinibblesnuts
SKYPE: an_an0maly

Character Name: Rachel Barbra Berry
Age: Newly 15
General Background: Rachel Berry was born and raised in Lima, Ohio by her two gay and very loving fathers. She, at one brief point in time, had friends. This was when she was very very young. Rachel started at William McKinley in September 2011, and spends time with people who merely tolerate her existence. Her first slushie facial was on the morning of her second day.

Her upbringing and constant bullying has caused Rachel to become quite vicious with her words. It should also be known that no one stands a chance of survival if they try to get between her and a solo. She is not afraid to manipulate situations to suit her needs, but can be quite loyal if given a chance and if it will benefit her in some way.

Given all the opportunities available to her, Rachel has excelled in all creative areas and hovers between an A and B+ in other academic areas of schooling. She may have had a hand in Mr. Ryerson's sudden departure, but was able to convince the only sympathetic faculty member to her cause, to take over Glee Club. She thinks of herself as self-appointed Glee captain.

Rachel's "free" time is spent in dance studios and singing lessons. She has recently started up her own YouTube account and will post her most memorable music videos for the public to see.

ooc: info

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