To combat all of my emo posts, I have created a visual documentary about my time in Nashville. We had quite a few adventures for those few weeks. HERE IT IS.
At one point during my time in Nashville, we were going to pick Nathan up. Rae's car broke down. We got out the emergency supplies.
We were distraught!
"O NOES!" said I.
But then Lydia had an idea. Let's be superheroes! Here she is tying on my cape. (AKA - the hoodie I had on.)
Rae was "The Big Gay Superhero" that Brendon Urie referenced in that one interview.
I was Kaden The Extrordinare!
Lydia was Equality Dyke!
The Superheroes decided to group hug.
Later on, we had bagel bites.
This is Mikeyway, my stuffed non-unicorn.
I love him despite his lack of a horn.
Rae and Mikeyway.
Mikeyway gets a lot of loves.
Now comes the obligatory painfully adorable couples pictures!
We watched a lot of To Catch A Predator.
And took more retarded and cute pictures.
Rae made me some invisible pancakes.
We sat on the balcony and it was awesome.
While there, we befriended an awesome grasshopper named Earl.
And took more cute pictures.
And then there was a ROMANTIC LINGUINE DINNER.
I told Rae that once when I was drunk, hahaha.
Romantic candlelight! The table setting was pretty much amazing.
LINGUINNEEEEEEEE. It was delicious.
Aaaand then we got drunk.
The end!
All in all, it was pretty much the best time ever. And I wish I was there right now. BUT AT LEAST I'LL HAVE THE MEMORIES.