Time for more adventures in bizarre dreams! Yay!
So, I'm not exactly sure why we were A. In the Amazon and B. In the Amazon chasing the Wicked Witch of the West, but we totally were. And someone else was dressed up like the Witch too (maybe me?) as a way to...lure her? I don't know. Anyway, I forget what happened, we cornered her on the edge of this obscenely high cliff overlooking the jungle, and there was one of those stereotypical rickety old rope bridges there (even though there was literally nothing but air on the other side. The bridge like, disappeared into the clouds. It was a really long bridge I guess). And we cornered her, and then destroyed her by pushing her off the obscenely high cliff into the jungle. (dramatic music plays)
So then, I guess, we decided we needed a place to stay for the night. Guess what! The Wicked Witch of the West had a really awesome house (in the jungle?)! Let's stay there! We toured the house. It had like, six bedrooms, all furnished, even though she lived alone. And a huge kitchen. Two huge kitchens, I think, right next to each other (maybe witches need dual kitchens?) So my mom goes and falls asleep in the biggest bedroom, which had a bathroom entirely made of green marble. My brother was on the couch watching TV while I debated which bedroom I wanted. Mark wanted to make sure he had a bedroom where he could get out easily, since he was leaving for Ohio in the morning and didn't want our cousins to wait for him at Bob Evans? So I told him he could have the bedroom that was right above the stairway to kitchen A. He was excited.
We watched TV a bit longer while my dad was outside, because my dad apparently smoked in my dream. And I decided it was bed time, so I got up and was going to take the blanket I had with me, since it was my brother's awesome fluffy one. He was like, nooo I want the awesome fluffy one even though he was already wrapped up in every blanket we own (he had at least five or six). So I wrapped him up even more in the fluffy one, which was still warm from me, but then he couldn't move at all, and ended up falling off the couch, completely pinned by the blankets, and I was crying from laughing so hard because he was face down on the floor, his head the only thing visible in a blanket burrito.
Seriously, y'all, I cannot make this stuff up. My subconscious is weird (not to mention the rest of me).