HP2: The Chamber of Secrets
Yeah okay this really has become a liveblog. Whatever it's fun.
- Dobby! DOBBY I LUV YOU. I wish you were in more of the movies.
- The Burrow is one of my favorite places. Can I be a Weasley? GOD Julie Walter's costuming is amazing. And Mark Williams is delightfully dotty.
- Kenneth Branaugh was the most genius casting in the history of genius. He is EXACTLY who I thought of for Lockhart.
- Lucious Malfoy. THAT HAIR. That voice! Great character intro.
- Nice continuity moment, getting the same Kings Cross guard.
- I really like the mandrake scene, I thought that was pretty fun.
- I love the multitude of Lockhart portraits in the DADA classroom. I bet those little vignettes were fun to film.
- Examples of terrible supporting cast acting: Marcus Flint.
- I like the interaction with Hermione and Hagrid here.
- "Celebrity is as celebrity does, Harry. Remember that." <3
- Okay, I realize they had to make the spiders bigger so you could actually see them, but ew.
- Because the ENTIRE school would randomly end up in that hallway. That makes TOTAL sense
- "My cat. Has been petrified!" Filch is great here.
- I'm glad they gave the Chamber explanation to McGonagall. Although I always end up watching all the animals in the background. THERE IS A LEMUR. I wonder how many times they had to reshoot this cause an animal went all crazy.
- Quidditch always sounded like it would be super fun to play, but I'd probably be terrified out of my wits flying around that fast.
- I adore Colin Creevey
- Someone had a lot of fun designing props for this. The Skele-Gro bottle is hilarious. Can I be on the kind of marketing team that gets to design that stuff? I love all the candy boxes.
- Dobbyyyyy.
- I get why they cast Shirley Henderson, I mean, that VOICE. But really. She's like, thirty. She doesn't look like a student at all, no matter how many pigtails and ill-fitted glasses you use.
- God I love the Dueling Club scene. This is glorious. I love the restraint in Rickman's voice.
- Aww yeah, Potter vs. Malfoy. Although, really, Rictusempra is a tickling charm guys. Not a send you spiraling backwards spell.
- I wonder who came up with the sound of Parseltongue. I mean, it's pretty good, but where do you start for something like that?
- Sherbet Lemon. :)
- I really wish they'd done a better CGI Fawkes. It looks like something out of the Labyrinth.
- It's funny, but I've kind of come to associate Harry Potter movies with Christmas. Maybe it's because there's a Christmas scene in nearly every movie, or ABC family always airs them over Christmas.
- Let's be honest. I'd totally eat a floating cupcake. Maybe not one I randomly found floating in the hallway, but still.
- Kudos to props design for those mugs. Not sure why I really like them.
- Harry, you can't run into a stall to vomit because we need to show the potion working, but we don't have the special effects budget for all three of you.
- Props to the actors playing Crabbe and Goyle here. They do a good job of not acting like themselves. Sort of impressive really.
- I sort of love Malfoy in this scene.
- Catmione.
- Really, Myrtle's lines are great, and Henderson's delivery is spot on. If she were just twenty years younger, it'd be perfect.
- So there used to be this animated bible show where a couple of kids would get sucked into the stories through their big bible. That's what I think of whenever Harry gets pulled into the diary, cause it's virtually the same effect. SUPERBOOK!
- Mmmm Tom Riddle. What, he was good looking.
- I'm never sure if I liked the monochromatic effect or not.
- "Once their acne clears up" I always loved the descriptions of the mandrakes aging. In the books, I think they start trying to move into each other's pots.
- Petrified Hermione was always kind of sad.
- It always amazes me that Fang is a real dog.
- I like Fudge a lot. He was well cast. Except his bowler is not green. This is a major character flaw.
- Isaacs is *so good*. His delivery is fantastic. "I have no pleasure being in your...you call this a house?"
- Whyyy are there so many giant spiderssss in this caaastle. I remember in the books, Ron explaining his fear of spiders always made me laugh hysterically - having your teddy bear turned into a spider would be pretty traumatic.
- Look, I'm just saying, I know the Forbidden Forest is huge, but *someone* would probably notice a frillion spiders living in it. That whole thing could have been accomplished with half the amount of spiders.
- Wouldn't someone have noticed the *giant* piece of paper in Hermione's hand before now?
- Did...did it ever really make sense for Slytherin to build the chamber entrance in a girls restroom?
- I like how Lockhart can't refute the "Better you than us" argument. Like, Yeah, okay, you're right.
- Myrtle flirting. See, it's CREEPY. If she was *actually* fourteen. It would not be!
- Gosh, those are CONVENIENTLY large pipes.
- Sidenote: I'm really excited to see the scene where Ron and Hermione come back here in the last film.
- I always liked this set.
- I also noticed that they didn't have the cool custom wands yet. I'll have to look for those, I think it wasn't until movie 3.
- AWW Yeah Basilisk Fight.
- I liked the effect of stabbing the diary, although it was a little cheesy. I liked the ink spewing effect.
- Like, really, was Fawkes animatronic? It's creepy looking
- Dobbyyyy. (Yes, that's totally my reaction every time. I love Dobby)
- OOoooo shadowylighting on Malfoy's face effect. Oooooo
- Really? Was he really about to cast Avada Kedavra? That always bothered me.
- I cheered like a madman when Hagrid came back. This whole "reunion" sequence is so cheesy, but adorable.
- Triumphant French Horns! Introspective Violins! and Cheerful Flutes!
Oh lord it's already 4pm. I don't think I'm getting through all these tonight.