Credit: Mogu / Mushikoi
Pixiv id:
Summary: for some reasons, Rin and Yukio as children travelled to the future and were under the care of their fifteen-year-old selves until Mephisto could rectify the situation.
The doujinshi is 44 pages and divided to Episode 1: Rin (page 3-17) and Episode 2: Yukio (page 18-end?). The images I have are borrowed from the sample pages uploaded on Mogu's pixiv. And page 30 is the last page available.
And what a cliffhanger it is! Rin's episode sample pages are your regular fluffy kind (child!Rin comforted teen!Rin when the latter cried as he talked about Father Fujimoto, and child!Rin bragged that he's proud Yukio's his brother because he's so smart), but Yukio's sample pages are filled with disdain... On the pages above, child!Yukio was rubbing teen!Yukio's injured hand and saying a charm "Pain, be gone!", telling the older male that Father Fujimoto and Rin claimed to have felt less pain after child!Yukio did this to them...but teen!Yukio shot the naivete down by replying "That couldn't have cured anything, don't you think?"
(It's even more sad because it's his own T_T)
Anyways, should I buy? I've already spent USD100+ buying RinYukio doujins...Does anyone want to donate to me, please? I promise I will scanlate it exclusively for you?